jello vulva! make a mold by draping plaster gauze around a rough frame... you can put the jello on top of the cake, and if you use a vegan substitute it won't ever melt! granted, no one will want to eat that part (vegan jello=yuck), but the cake will make up for it. or or or use cake toppings like gum drops and liquorice and tons of frosting and whatnot...
(can you tell i wish i had a class with an assigment like that? i would go fucking nuts...)
Comments 6
jello vulva! make a mold by draping plaster gauze around a rough frame... you can put the jello on top of the cake, and if you use a vegan substitute it won't ever melt! granted, no one will want to eat that part (vegan jello=yuck), but the cake will make up for it. or or or use cake toppings like gum drops and liquorice and tons of frosting and whatnot...
(can you tell i wish i had a class with an assigment like that? i would go fucking nuts...)
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Que tengas un buen dia!
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