icon meme!

Nov 16, 2011 12:27

Snatched from upupa_epops.

1. Reply to this post with "I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS MORALLY DEPRAVED BAR," and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

This icon stands for the many incarnations of Spike, from William Pratt, through Willy and William the Bloody, to the Spike we know and love (to some extent). The present Spike would not exist without them, and he has to be interpreted diachronically, otherwise he's just a radioactive-haired vampire cliche.

"The general and her lieutenant", or the idea that spawned a lot of fic, at least in my and upupa_epops's mind :P We both agreed that the Buffy/Spike dynamic was at its best in Season 7 of Buffy, with her as the generalissima of the Slayer & Allies forces, and him as her trusted and loyal lieutenant. We imagined that Season 8 would go in that direction, but, unfortunately, it didn't (until the final issues). And Season 9, even though it has Spike, is a lot different from S8 - so it never came true. Still love it though.

"The sexy archivist", or the nickname we coined for Wesley Wyndham-Pryce with the aforementioned upupa_epops, seeing as she has been studying to be an archivist and has shown interest in boys who rarely put down their books. This is the brain-washed Wesley of early S5. What's interesting: it's also the time when Alexis Denisof was struck with Bell's palsy - the entire right side of his face was paralyzed, that's why they mostly filmed him from his left side in those episodes.

This squinting, pissed owl represents my own attitude towards the world when I'm sleep-deprived, hung-over and pissed. It's an approximation of what I look like under such circumstances. It also expresses my love for owls.

This icon represents the sensual, raw and dark side of The Vampire Diaries that they sometimes let us get a glimpse at. In this case it's the relationship between Katherine and Stefan (and Damon! he's always there too) in 1864. Besides, I love the cropping and the colours of it.

meme, spam spam spam

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