Title: Running With Scissors | Chapter One
dohremi Rating: PG-15
Pairing/Focus: Ontae
Summary: A/U | "The hottest love has the coldest end." Socrates
Author's Note: Okay I lied. I wrote an even longer one this time. Damn. I'm sorry. -.-
Prologue | Chapter One
Jinki's parents were drugs dealers )
Comments 12
I like your writing style. Some people have the tendency to focus on dialogue too much (or too little) but in this story I think it's about right. At least that's how it feels for me^^
It's been a while since I've read a fic I didn't want to complain about too much. You should definitely take this as a compliment Ü
I really don't think anyone minds the length of the chapters tbh XD
I understood what you meant about Onew condition though. I really don't want to sacrifice that. It makes him who he is. Hopefully, as the story develops I'll find a way to compromise both reality and fiction together. ^^ Thanks for that little critic/compliment. I'll work harder next time. =]
Umma!Key is omnipresent OTL
"Kibum resorted to sharpening his tongue, spitting out venomous list of vocabularies"
Ofc diva key would choose to do that ;)
"Shouldn't you already know Jaebeom? It takes one to know one."
Somehow this reminds me of the quote "It takes a bitch to know a bitch, bitch."
"Kibum insisted that he becomes a lacto-vegetarian, someone who would eat dairy products but not eggs, to cleanse himself and to spare himself from the thought of killing innocent animals."
Why am I not surprised?
"Eating meat increases your chance of getting heart attacks or developing cancer." A glare was sent toward Taemin's plate before it evolved into adoring affection for the slices of whole-wheat bread in his own hands.
ROFL WAYLT KEY! You shouldn't be preventing Taemin from eating nutritiously; he's a growing kid! And fat!tae is a ( ... )
I love long comments! \^0^/
I wish I have a friend like Key so sarcastic~ I'm sarcastic. Maybe if I meet him we might repel instead of attract ;~;
I'm so glad someone got my sense of humor. In real life, I'm funny. (I think I am.) But in writing, I have none. -.- so I'm happy you enjoyed that ^^ I'll explain the coral reefs part later. It's something that still a mystery kekeke that and also Shin Sekyung -winks- hehehe.
I realize that this is AU high school plot, and realistically, we do know the people that are around us even though they aren't so important, which is why I added lots of characters (Jay, Seungri). I want them to be cameos heheh. Thanks for being so enthusiastic. It motivates me a lot.
I can't wait for the next few chapters! 8D
Poor Taem :( LOL Umma!Key/Taemin interaction was very funny!
Ohohoho, it's revenge time for Taemin >:D I wonder what he plans to do!
oh, and Merry Christmas :)
Thanks for reading and commenting <3 Merry Christmas to you too even though i'm late, Happy New Year
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