am i le sexx?

Jul 04, 2004 14:26


Name: Allison
Age: 18
Location: California
Sexuality: Straight

random questions
bands (10+): (my music probably isn't "scene" enough for this, but oh well :-p)
1) Aerosmith
2) Queen
3) the Doors
4) the Steve Miller Band
5) Styx
6) The Cars
7) Rolling Stones
8) Led Zeppelin
9) the Beach Boys
10) Bob Marley

Movies you love (+5):
1) the lion king
2) spice world
3) the hurricane
4) the green mile
5) little mermaid

books you like (+5):
1) The Great Gatsby
2) The Child Called It
3) The Lost Boy
4) A Man Named Dave
5) A Brave New World

tv shows (+5):
1) simpsons
2) futurama
3) trading spaces
4) while you were out
5) Match Game '74

What you do on your spare time: at this point, i basically sleep and go to work. but on the rare chance i have a day off, i like to do nothing BUT sleep. ok, and also go to the beach and crap.

Do you believe in love at first sight? why or why not? Nah. I mean, maybe you could meet someone and think "wow, i need to get to know them" and you have an instinct that they're right for you... and sometimes you end up being right.

Do you believe there is someone out there for everyone? yeah, most people are too lazy to go out and find them, though. So they sit around and whine about being lonely.

Do you belong to friendster, lipstick party or myspace? no

Do you go to shows? Ff you do what was the last one you went to? no, sorry, im just kind of a wuss. I went to a 311 concert a couple weeks ago and couldnt even last 3 songs in the pit :( haha

What music do you love to listen to when no ones watching??? BE HONEST!! the Spice Girls. But i actually listen to them when people ARE watching, so i dont know.

Describe yourself:

What Song/Song Lyrics Do You Think Best Describes You:

I wish I hadn't / Bought you dinner / right before you / dumped me on your front porch. / give me my money back, give me my money back / you bitch.

What makes you le_sexx? meh. I don't know. You tell me, I guess that's why I posted this.

Your Thoughts On
  • Abortion: pro-choice

  • Premarital sex: be smart

  • War: if it's for a good cause, but that is very RARELY the case. i can't even think of an example that would constitute "a good cause"

  • Gay marriages: love is love.

    Fill in the Blank
  • If I had a million dollars I would ___Buy my mom a house and myself a car___.

  • If I were to trade lives with someone i would trade lives with _Paris Hilton. haha she does nothing but party and tape herself having sex_.

  • If I had a wish I would wish for _10 more years on my age so i would be old enough to actually have a life put together for myself_.

  • If I could go to anywhere in the world it would be_tahiti_.

  • If I were stranded on a deserted island I would bring _my boyfrien_ & _a hamburger_.

    One or the Other
  • Love or Money? love
  • The Doors or Justin Timberlake? psh. the doors. wtf is up with this question?
  • Make-up or Natural? for me, makeup. natural me is not so nice.
  • Books or Movies? depends. i'm picky with books, i lose interest fast so I need a really fascinating one to keep my attention
  • Oprah or Dr. Phil? Oprah because Dr. Phil's accent just makes him sound like a dumb ass. oh, plus, he's a dumb ass.
  • The-N or MTV? I don't even know what The-N is :( but i will choose it because MTV doesnt even play music.
  • Random Hook-Ups or Relationships? relationships


    (the crown was for getting ready for prom, not because i'm that conceited. haha)

    oh yeah, and here's some dorky festivity for you.

    (the white blob in the red part is actually a star :( too bad my camera sucks)

    oh yeah, __radarlove sent me :)
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