Hmm.... So after quite a good day with Diego, his heart still lies within that crud of a situation. In which I no longer wish to have anything to do with. Choices have been made, actions have been done, any fault of mine has been admitted to.
Perhaps Diego's heart requires much more healing than I had anticipated. Perhaps I should give him his space for a few moments longer.
Then there's Engarde. While he states that he's been interested, it seems like he's busy with other things. Other things which do not involve him, I suspect. We'll have to wait and see, don't we?
And yet, I still have promises to keep with this Batsu fellow. No matter. Such a simple matter will be taken care of.
Still, I cannot help but wonder where Miles has decided to run off to. Perhaps Franziska was right. As much as she wants Miles back, none of us can bring him back if he has no desire to return.
Perhaps I'm a bit biased because the only person that I have not been angry with was Phoenix himself, and yet he had half a heart to possibly blame myself for what Miles has done... That man seems to have yet learn the truth...
In any case, it seems like I'm to take care of my priorities. Though... prioritization is something I have not done in awhile.
Though, I do hope Diego gets over this heartbreak.