
Mar 04, 2006 02:33

HE'S GONE.Brother is GONE. He isn't ANYWHERE. I spent all night writing out where he was BEFORE he disappeared this week and then what could have happened and NONE of it makes sense..!! He isn't in the castle... there still hasn't been any word from St. Mungo's so I don't think he's there ( Read more... )

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Comments 51

harold_genius March 4 2006, 08:03:56 UTC
Awww~! You poor thing! I'm sorry your brother's missing! You know, I bet Dumbledore's already aware of the issue! ^o^ If it was really serious, he'd be all over it~~

Maybe you should try waiting it out a little, sweetie~? ^o^ You could help me with my potions in the meantime!!


leafmagic March 4 2006, 08:07:00 UTC
But...Brother's sick...it is serious! I can't..I can't just wait around and do nothing..!

...Hnnn.....aah..what potions?? ....They aren't made with pumpkin are they???


harold_genius March 4 2006, 08:08:44 UTC
He's sick...? Poor thing~! What happened, sweetie?

O.O Pumpkin? Heavens no~! They make horrible potion ingredients~! This is a special potion!


leafmagic March 4 2006, 08:11:32 UTC
....He's...mentally sick right now...and...then he just..disappeared..

Ahh...hah...pumpkins are horrible in anything. But...what kind of a potion is it...?


lucky_perv March 4 2006, 08:25:00 UTC
If you're ever feeling lonely, I'm always around to make you feel better~


leafmagic March 4 2006, 08:26:07 UTC
I...I don't think I'm lonely..not a lot...just really worried. Nnn...thank you, though, Mr. Sengoku..


lucky_perv March 4 2006, 08:28:04 UTC
It's my job as a prefect to make sure all the younger students are doing okay~ Your brother and I were... sorta friends, so I'm sure he'd be happy to know someone was taking good care of his brother~


leafmagic March 4 2006, 08:35:16 UTC
Ha...thanks, Mr. Sengoku..for being so nice and all...I'll tell Brother if when I find him..!


_chizuru_chan March 4 2006, 09:02:43 UTC
Don't worry, Fletcher. I'm sure he'll turn up soon. He said not to worry about him, so wherever he is, I'm sure he knows what he's doing. Try not to worry, ok?


k_izumi March 4 2006, 14:10:05 UTC
Fletcher... you haven't slept in days, have you?

Maybe you should rest for a little while before continuing the search.

He will show up, don't worry.

[[*is very tempted to have Koushirou go and comfort him with hugs and cuddling, but it would be a little OOC methinks... :( (it's what the mun would probably try to do... ^^;)*]]


Filtered to Fletcher _reachforastar March 4 2006, 18:26:57 UTC
Fletcher... I'm sure Russell will show up soon. But first, and most importantly, you need to stay calm, otherwise what will he say once he appears again? He'll think I haven't been taking proper care of you~

But... I can understand how you feel. So you don't have to go through this alone, okay? We can search for him together later today, if you want.


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