I'm getting pretty tired of election doom-and-gloom already. I'm as guilty as the next fellow, but, really, haven't we had some time to get it out of our system by now? If one plans on doing something, then do it, but enough sitting around complaining. I, for one, plan on retiring back into my former sardonic ways and wait for the next major
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Comments 8
Oh, I forgot, they already were colonizing imperialists to begin with...
And besides, CHOCOLATE AND ROOTBEER MOUSSE or SAINT ANDRES CHEESE!!! How is one to decide between them?
France can suck a big egg.
I found this reflection particularly beautiful, (not to mention relevant to my life right now.) Cog Sci people have done some studies of beauty, or so I have been told, and when you construct an absolutely "perfect" face- it is ugly and terrifying.
Actually, all of this reminds me of the first two or three of the Duino Elegies. Every Angel is terrifying. And yet, alas, I invoke you, almost deadly birds of the soul, knowing about you. Rilke goes on to say that beauty or perfection would annihilate us. Our insurmountable imperfections (as ( ... )
With that said, I'm glad that someone found some value in my words. I sometimes fear I'm being a bit cheesey--especially after that St. Andres!
And for the record--my dissertation is going to be on a concept of life/experience that revolves around affectivity.
Oh well, I guess you really shouldn't be friends with me then- I'm something of a cognitive scientist- or on my way to being. Sort of. I just intend to incorporate it in my work.
I guess what I found particularly insightful about that nugget of thought above was the insight it gives into a certain sort of fear of commitment: the fear that something out there is better, and the strangely entailed fear that we are not good enough for what we have found.
I'm actually working on a poem that deals with these issues. I think some of these ideas might be incorporated as the poem develops.
you must go see "sideways"
"sideways", eh? Duly noted. Is it out on video? I'll try to watch it soon (I have a Wittgenstein presentation due next Tuesday, so it won' be this weekend, but maybe next week sometime).
if you pass through my neck of the woods i hope we'll do dinner -- although a restaurant here of that kind and caliber would be tres tres cher probably astronomically out of our financial league
"Sideways" just opened recently [Oct 22] won't be on video for a while -- well worth the price of a movie ticket to have the big screen experience of it
are you gonna tell us more about your diss thesis?
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