
Dec 08, 2004 16:23

Well, once again it has been ages since I updated. This time I almost have a real reason...I'm sick. I have a throat/chest infection that includes a hacking persistent cough that is keeping me awake!! I feel so crappy. I should not be on the 'puter but I wanted to see what everyone else in the world was up to and it has actually cheered me up ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

jrosestar December 8 2004, 09:48:03 UTC
Glad you liked the card. Sorry you're not feeling well. Hopefully you will perk up before the holidays.

Not really saying 'bye,' saying hellow. But wanted to use my cute new kitten icon.


leah_sam22 December 8 2004, 10:03:31 UTC
That's so cute!! We had cats when we were younger but my brother was allergic and it got so bad we had to give up on pets. We caled our first kitten Garfield but then 'he' had kittens! My brother and I each had our own, mine was grey and white, called Smudge, my brothers was black and white, called Domino. Then they had 7 kittens between them!! We had all 10 for a while but we had to give the kittens away as it was too much!! When we moved towns our cats ran away and my mum decided we shouldn't get anymore. I have always thought about getting another one as I love their air of superiority and independence but I don't know if I'd have the time for a pet. The wife wants a dog, we may have to settle on aomething else, like Goldfish!?!

Too much info again, but anyway, thanks for the card and using the icon......perked me up!

xo :)


my_mundane_life December 8 2004, 13:42:41 UTC
Got the parcel today - actually just got it when we got back from Bro's. Thank you! I'll keep it til Xmas day :)


zero2aries December 8 2004, 15:46:54 UTC
Hope you feel better soon - big hug -

Zero2ariesS@netscape.net or zero2aries@hotmail.com or zero2aries3@yahoo.co.uk - at least I've got plenty of time before last posting to send you a card!! -upper/lower case as listed


x_wastedtears_x December 12 2004, 03:36:03 UTC
hey chickie, i'm looooving the natasha pics *drools* hehehe where do u find all these wonderful pikkies of the lovely miss kaplinsky?! :P

watched the final of SCD last night and we saw a few (way too quick) shots of the lady herself *mm* can't wait till the xmas one lol ~ how sad r we hahahaha
ahh well the simple joys in life eh?!

take care chickie ~ ooh and liking the xmas decorations hehe!
love n snuggles
Lina x


leah_sam22 December 13 2004, 14:02:22 UTC
I get the pics from all over, just search the net or from links on the SCD forum that I'm part off. I watched the final too (voted for Jill several times...fabulous jive!) I didn't see the Divine Miss N...where was she? Exact details please!!! I have taped it so I will watch it again to find her!! Tried to find pics of her at BBC sports awards last night but no luck so far. Will post them if I do!! The New Years Eve thing she is presenting is on BBC1 from about 11.15pm until 12.20am on New Years Eve.

Will post pic of Xmas window soon, finished it last night...too tired now to hook camera up to 'puter!!

See ya! :)


x_wastedtears_x December 14 2004, 07:55:51 UTC
oooooo wanna see the window :D i still dont have ANY christmas stuff up cuz our house is vertaken by builder/plumber and random bathroom objects :S

Natasha was just on a few screen shots when they showed the "lets look back at the best bits" type thing... from when she was helping present *Awwww* we watched her on the kumars the other night too (video'd from before) isn't she such a sweetie when she's not on the news, she's really shy hehe bless her!

hehe and we saw her on brekfast, the morning after the sports awards... she sounded rough lol...she must have had a good night ;) ~ she was sat next to Kelly Holmes who won too!!!

oooh and new years eve will DEFFINATLY have to be spent with natasha!! hehe are we obsessed or what?! :P

love n kisses x


xtwistedxfairyx December 15 2004, 14:55:44 UTC
Of course we're obsessed!!! And did you see her on the royal variety show *grins* those dresses!!!!!!!!!!!! *jaw drops*



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