Title: The Entertainer
leakey_loverRating: G
Pairing: H/W established
Word count: 314
Disclaimer: Just borrowing.
A/N: Thanks to
srsly_yes for early read. TBC.
-What is it, Cuddy? 'Cause you're keeping me from my happy, happy clinic duty.
-The benefit dinner. House, we're looking at enormous staff cuts if we don't do extremely well this year.
-So I heard. I have tenure.
-I didn't mean you, but it's going to be bad. If we reduce support staff, even department heads will be inundated with paperwork. Meaning many late nights.
-Which still won't affect me.
-You can't expect Dr Hadley to do it all. She needs her sick time, especially since eating those hostage drugs.
-You're blaming me for the drugs?
-Of course not. I'm just presenting circumstances. We're looking at limiting procedures and even curtailing employee benefits.
-You want something, but don't let me interrupt this carefully rehearsed speech.
-We need to offset some of the support we've lost. The benefit committee has voted to keep expenses down by asking staff to provide entertainment.
-Gotta run. Snotty noses calling.
-I'm only asking you for maybe three pieces, and you can sing, and a short speech. Your choice. Let's say half an hour, tops. I suppose you'll want clinic hours off.
-I want something else. Nice blouse.
-Nice try. You can have clinic hours.
-How many?
-For half an hour? Four hours off.
-Twenty minutes, and a speech, and a tux, and three hours of crashing boredom. That's more like one week apiece.
-I'll give you three days off. The clinic's stretched to its limit.
-I won't sing. And no schmoozing.
-You don't have to sing. House, we need this money. Badly.
-Two weeks off. And I will not speak.
-Four days, no speech.
-One week. Final offer.
-One week if you don't cause any trouble.
-Define "trouble."
-Just don't embarrass us. One week-and I'll buy you lunch.
-You bit! I already got Gilbert to do the speech.
-Wouldn't have done it anyway.