*All of these are pretty old, but I felt like posting them none the less :)*
The oldeest of the bunch: Flamingo with Katie and Kristen and boner people
Then some not as old onesss:
Me... looking pale and chubby and angryish..? Lol.
Nina - cone seductress
All praise Jo for she is God. *[Insert Godly sounds and probably angels here]*
Pictures from the Pit, when we first started to play with the red lights. Oh so amusing to the drunk.
Matt, being Matt.
Makes you think Star Trek
Crazy picture of Rob
Funness ensuing. Be jealous.
You can also be jealou of the Beast. Yea, because eeveryone is jealous, of beast... ya know....
Its not a good night if someone doesnt either dress up or get hurt. Here we see both = great night
More hurting each other. Ill leave you to assume.
While Rob and Matt fight to death...
Zach and I just chill. Yes.
Nikki came over for a bit
Happy family pictures -
The first failed attempt to get a picture with everyone in it
But success on try number two. We are good.
Then we got drunker and tarted to play with the lights again.
Brownie points if you guess whos who in the light pictures :-P
Pictures taken in school, wheer I have not been much lately:
Hannah, with sweettarts in her nose
Halloween was on a Monday. You can only guess people dressed upn for it.
Badger, cow... badgercow.
Frank and Badger wanted everyone to dress like cows so we could have a whole herd, but they were the only two, haha.
Ok, I felt the urge to post pictures. Im done now, lol.