Time Square friday night
Dancing in Union Square
Tory watching the parade during lunch in Little Italy
Little Italy from a distance
The marching band
The lone float
Hookah bar - Tory, Shaina, Gizem
Smoking apple shisha
Cora Jean!!!
Wolff bought Gizem a delicious shot
Tory darling
Tory and Shaina being silly
Shaina, me, Peako, Cora
Peako, Cora, Gizem, Shaina
Happy from my delicious drinks
Tory and Cora
Cora, me, Tory
Peako and Gizem dancing
Hobo wine!!!
beautiful =)
Drunk in Union Square off of hobo wine
Washington Square arch
Washington Square fountain
Where Tory goes to school =)
The wall of condoms in condomania
The crazy weird trees at Cornell.
Ill make a formal post tomorrow I need to vent. Badn last day and a half.
Though I will admit, watching Marcus annihilate himself tonight made me happy, haha.
The End.