Title: Love
Author: leanevu
Pairing: !broken junseung
Rating: pg-13
A/N: This is actually different perspective of another person's thought??????
It is based off of
If You Tell Me What did I do? Why did I do it? How did I kill you with my words? When did betray you and your love? Maybe, just maybe because I couldn't bear the thought that an angel like you would be with a guy exactly like me. I wanted you to live happily without me so I let you go. I gave you back to heaven where you belonged.
But I was dead wrong.
I left you in Hell.
I gave your soul to the devil and traded happiness with sadness.
I loved you and always did. With every waking moment I spent with you was perfection. I remembered everything: to the day we met, the first kiss, and the nights with your warmth. Nothing was a lie, my love for you was real. I didn't played you,
I'm sorry.
So sorry....
I'm the wrongdoer.
I laughed you off so you wouldn't hold on, so you would be angry and leave me. But how did you leave me and this world all together? Seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and even years without your existence was painful. I never forgot about you, I mourned for you. I wanted to amend things and make it better. Wanting you to come back to this world, because you deserve so much more. So much more than me. I was so mortified and disgusted with myself that I did the unthinkable.
What do you think I am doing now?
I'm knocking on death's door.
My soul for yours.
And when you do come back: don't forgive me.
I loved you then and I love you now.