Player Q
Character River Tam
Character journal
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Backtagging Yes please. I get super busy sometimes (with warning) and understand that other people do too.
Threadjacking/threadhopping Yes, if it's not locked or something.
Fourthwalling I'd rather not, but it's not the end of the world if it happens.
Offensive subjects That's rather case by case; talk to me about it?
Picking a fight with this character River will probably not be picking many fights (a few choice bouts of crazy will happen, but generally no), but she will as sure as all hell fight back with a vicious vengeance. Depending on her perception of the other character, she'll be on the spectrum of looking to maim badly or looking to kill (eg if you're Jayne, she will stab you; if you're a Reaver, she will split you in half and blow your corpse to the four winds). I'm up for random fights, but would like to have the chance to powwow-- otherwise River might seem godmod-y.
How much damage this character will take Unless given a compelling reason to stop, River will throw herself at a fight until she is unconscious or dead, as she is not at all used to losing.
Extent of maiming/other crippling loss Let's go for maiming but not permanent crippling.
Using telepathic or mind-reading abilities on this character River's probably a completely open book unless she's focusing on obscuring things. Unfortunately, she's also got quite a few wires crossed, so mind-reading would probably lead to a bunch of garbled garbage; if you can understand what she's saying with her words, you're fine, but if not, it'll just be more of the same.
Trying to control this character through any means River could withstand an attempt she knew was coming, and would probably spend a good deal of mental energy throwing off one she wasn't prepared for. That said, talk to me about managing to catch her completely off guard.
Other things to note Given River's mental trauma, it'd be good to have a quick chat about effects things might have on her together rather than me just assuming things.
Hugging At own risk, this is fine.
Flirting This is also fine.
Kissing and/or other intimate actions This is amazingly unlikely but fine (she is 17, though, bear in mind; western cultures have varying ages of consent from about 15 to 18).
Relationships Again, it's highly unlikely it would be a romantic one, but sure.
What not to mention around this character Saying "lol I just killed some jerk named Simon :D" would be unwise. Other than that, talking about Alliance/Academy/Blue Sun would probably at least trigger a mild panic attack. River's seen/heard a lot in her life.
How competent this character is in battle River is a trained and mentally-fortified super solider. Her talent is at hand to hand melee, but she's not half bad with ranged weapons either. Because of the super soldier thing.
Strengths/abilities ...super soldier? River is physically immensely stronger than she looks in her tiny girl body and therefore packs quite the punch (and a helluva kick), and can turn pretty much any fragment of anything into a weapon to be used with deadly force. She's also fairly agile and quick, so she's likely to head up walls etc during fights.
Physical endurance A fair bit. As mentioned, she's been programmed to kill-kill-kill, so it'd take a KO to make her stop unless there was overly severe damage that prevented her from moving (like her legs being actually blown off or something).
Magical resistance Depending on what it is, probably less than physical damage. River's strong against things having to do with psychic attack, and would probably be able to absorb just fine any magic attacks based on exerting physical damage, but she doesn't come from a universe with magic in it so effect spells (making her freeze, turning her hair pink, that sort of shit) would probably be Super Effective on her.
Subject to update, I suppose, as things occur.
Also, feel free to use this post for discussion of River-fighting.