wow, this is my 100th entry. I have never made it so far in any journal -- online or otherwise.
celebration ;)
so, in honor of my 100th entry, I stole the 100 thing about me list from nicole.
1. my name is andrea, but no one calls me that anymore.
2. I tell people that I wish I had a sword, but that's only for laughs. I don't really want one.
3. I often fall asleep without changing into pajamas.
4. I went to 3 different elementary schools.
5. I've had several best friends, but my first TRULY best friend was named sadie talsky and I met her in third grade.
6. I still wonder how she's doing.
7. I have a picture of sadie, me, and another good friend named chris from 4th grade on my desk next to my computer.
8. I was born in orange county, california. and the show "the oc" is nothing like it.
9. when I lived in california, I was in the talent show every year.
10. I have a hanson poster in my room.
11. 11 is my lucky number.
12. my 1st elementary school was too poor to have a gifted program, so I was never in one. and that upsets me.
13. my current life goal is to get an ipod for less than retail price.
14. I read nicole's entire list, but didn't feel like commenting with 10 facts about myself.
15. when I was younger, I used to fake being sick so I could go home ALL THE TIME.
16. I prefer fantasy to reality.
17. I'm really bad at carrying online conversations.
18. I think I'm okay at carrying conversations in real life.
19. that's because I'm pretty random.
20. I love racist jokes, but am not a racist.
21. I constantly feel inadequate.
22. I tend to obsess when I like a boy.
23. I am a lip gloss whore. I have 204983508464 lip gloss containers.
24. I exaggerate. a lot.
25. I am listening to saves the day right now.
26. I love musicals.
27. I used to go to a shrink, but stopped because I didn't like her.
28. I'm supposed to take an anti-depressant, but I don't like it so I don't.
29. I trust people too soon in a friendship.
30. I will never forgive ashley rogers for making my life a living hell in 6th grade.
31. when I lived in california, we used to go to disneyland all the time. like almost every weekend.
32. disneyland is my favorite place to be.
33. I'm going to europe next summer, so that might change.
34. I want to go to film school.
35. If I don't, I want to major in either english or philosophy.
36. I adore shakespeare.
37. I hate it when people think I'm unintelligent just because I'm goofy and don't try in school.
38. I'm a lot smarter than a lot of people think.
39. I don't always finish what I start.
40. I am both excited for and petrified of my last year of high school.
41. I am seventeen and have never been kissed.
42. I have really bad OCD.
43. my first concert was the no doubt "return to aneheim" concert with weezer.
44. I have 3 secrets that I will never tell anyone.
45. I've been in choir for 5 (going on 6) years.
46. I'm agnostic.
47. I got new shoes today.
48. I'm an html wiz (thanks to people like jess, jess, and kim)
49. I'm afraid of the dark.
50. I make hand gestures when I talk on the phone.
51. I dislike making decisions because I don't want anyone to be unhappy.
52. I can't roll my tongue.
53. I get angry/annoyed really easily.
54. sometimes I feel hate & rage so strongly, I scare myself.
55. I have never really hit anyone.
56. I am extremely paranoid all the time.
57. I constantly put my foot in my mouth.
58. I feel like I am a waste of time.
59. I've never truly been able to understand why people like me.
60. I always feel as if I have to prove myself.
61. I'm not cocky, I'm just sarcastic.
62. mayonnaise is the most disgusting thing on the face of the earth.
63. I like meeting new people.
64. I will befriend someone I don't like if they like me.
65. I'm sad when people don't like me.
66. my biggest fear is failure.
67. I think all my friends secretly hate me.
68. I have no self-esteem.
69. I miss the beach. not the crowded, nasty summer-beach. I miss huntington beach at 11am in january.
70. I love physical contact (like hugs).
71. I was a girl scout for one meeting.
72. I was "popular" in 5th grade.
73. I giggle a lot.
74. I am easily amused.
75. when I was younger, I co-wrote/co-starred in a series of plays called "the mad chef" with my friend christy. I still think they're genius and quite badass.
76. I got lost at the beach when I was 6.
77. I have a scar on the bottom of my left foot from stepping on glass.
78. I have never broken a bone.
79. I can write backwards.
80. because I can write backwards, I sometimes accidently write letters backwards when I'm trying to write normally.
81. I am a conspiracy theory junkie.
82. I honestly enjoy awkward silences.
83. I have a list of places I want to go before I die.
84. I don't know how to ride a bike.
85. I am pro-choice.
86. I'm a liberal, but NOT a democrat.
87. I want more than anything to be loved.
88. I enjoy chaos.
89. I wrote a play all by myself about famous explorers when I was in 6th grade.
90. I'm in the middle of writing a screenplay tentatively called "shit love happens."
91. my glasses are not fake, but people ask me if they are all the time.
92. my 8th grade american history teacher, mr. vogt, is the one who got me interested in history, politics, and government.
93. very few people know my real middle name.
94. I question everything I do.
95. I have a hard time getting past the "aquaintence" stage when I meet new people.
96. I still haven't gone back to school shopping.
97. I think ani difranco is a poetic genius.
98. I don't quite understand myself.
99. I am excited for and petrified of the future.
100. I didn't think I could write 100 facts about myself.
if you read it all, comment with 10 facts about yourself ;)