( X) Smoked a cigarette
( ) Smoked a cigar
( ) Made out with a member of the same sex
(maybe? ) Been in love
() Shoplifted
( ) Been fired
() Been in a fist fight
(X) Snuck out of the house-- kali i love you thank you soo much for everytime that we've ever done that
(X) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
( ) Been arrested
(X ) Made out with a stranger
( ) Gone on a blind date
(X) Lied to a friend
( X) Had a crush on a teacher- did mr. berger ever really count in 7th grade, come on ,who didnt?
( X) Skipped school
( ) Slept with a co-worker
( X) Seen someone die- a homeless person once it was horrible
( ) Had a crush on one of your myspace friends
( X) Been to Canada
(X) Been to Mexico
(X) Been on a plane
( ) Thrown up in a bar
(X ) Purposely set a part of myself on fire
(X ) Eaten Sushi- last weekend from RA yes!
( ) Been snowboarding
( ) Met someone in person from myspace
( ) Been hxc dancing at a show
( ) Been in an abusive relationship
( ) Taken painkillers
(X) Love someone or miss someone right now- kali im gonna miss you
( X) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
(X) Made a snow angel
(X) Had a tea party
(X) Flown a kite
(X) Built a sand castle
(X) Gone puddle jumping
(X) Played dress up- every weekend
() Jumped into a pile of leaves
(X) Gone sledding
(X) Cheated while playing a game- im horrible i cant help myself
(X) Been lonely
( X) Fallen asleep at work/school
( X) Used a fake id- i lost that dammit.
(X) Watched the sun set
( ) Felt an earthquake
(X) Touched a snake- i cant believe i did that it was gross ewwww
( X) Slept beneath the stars- i sleep under the stars every chance i get.
(X) Been tickled
(X) Been robbed
(X) Been misunderstood
(X) Pet a reindeer/goat
(X) Won a contest-
( X) Run a red light
( ) Been suspended from school
(X) Been in a car accident
( X) Had braces
(X ) Felt like an outcast
() Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(X) Had deja vu- i have deja vu so much i swear sometimes im psychic
(X) Danced in the moonlight
(X) Hated the way you look
( X) Witnessed a crime
( ) Pole danced
() Questioned your heart
(X ) Squished barefoot through the mud- i went looking for a mud wrestling pit and found one lol
(X) Been lost- i get lost all the time im horrible
(X) Been to the opposite side of the country
(X) Swam in the ocean- once i did that but i dont like salt water.
(X) Felt like dying
(X) Cried yourself to sleep
(X) Played cops and robbers
( ) Recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers
(X) Sung karaoke- Girls, Girls, Girls- Motley Crue and Pop- Nsync it was soo much fun
(X) Paid for a meal with only coins
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(X) Made prank phone calls
(X) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
( X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
( X) Danced in the rain- its soo relaxing its the type of things youre supposed to do cause thats what happens in movies
(X ) Written a letter to Santa Claus
() Been kissed under a mistletoe
(X ) Watched the sun set with someone you care about
(X) Blown bubbles- i did for the first time in forever with the french exchange students
( ) Made a bonfire on the beach
( ) Crashed a party
(X) Gone rollerskating
(X) Had a wish come true
( ) Humped a monkey
(X) Worn pearls- i love pearls.
( ) Jumped off a bridge
( X) Screamed penis in class- on accident i think.
() Ate dog/cat food
( X) Told a complete stranger you loved them
( X) Kissed a mirror i have kisses all over my mirror
(X) Sang in the shower
(X) Have a little black dress
(X) Had a dream that you married someone
( X) Glued your hand to something- i glued my hand to leahs arm yesterday with spray adh
(X ) Got your tongue stuck to something cold
( ) Kissed a fish
(X) Worn the opposite sexes clothes - i enjoy wearing little boys' tshirts
(X) Been a cheerleader
(X) Sat on a roof top- i enjoy frequenting the roof of my barn
(X) Screamed at the top of your lungs
() Done a one-handed cartwheel
( ) Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
(X) Stayed up all night- all the time its kind of one of those bad ass things thats fun to do that isnt bad ass at all
( ) Didn't take a shower for a week
( ) Pick and ate an apple right off the tree
(X) Climbed a tree
( ) Had a tree house
(X) Are scared to watch scary movies alone
(X) Believe in ghosts
(X ) Have more then 30 pairs of shoes
( ) Worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say
( X) Gone streaking
( ) Played ding-dong-ditch
(X) Played chicken
(X) Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
(X) Told you're hot by a complete stranger
(X) Been easily amused
() Caught a fish then ate it
( ) Made porn
( ) Caught a butterfly
(X) Laughed so hard you cried
( x) Cried so hard you laughed
(X) Mooned/flashed someone ( x) Had someone moon/flash you
( ) Cheated on a test
(X) Have a Britney Spears CD- i have like all of them...
(X) Forgotten someone's name
(X ) Slept naked
(X ) French braided someone's hair
(X) Gone skinny dipping in a pool- too many times lol
( ) Been kicked out of your house
these are lame i know but they're soo much fun <3 <3