soooooooooo yeah.
last night was fun.
we qualified for states, thankyouverymuch.
congrats katie mac.
school is so gay. i can't take it. i have so much work. why. why?!
aaaaaand i'm
. slash i don't feel like doing work yet.
1. What did you do last night? volleyball game, homecoming, slacks, bill's, brent's van.<3
2. Who was the last person you called? nerk.
3. What does the 5th text on your phone say? you cant fool me i know you care from bird cause we were being retarted after our game. hahaha.
4. When was the last time you thought about sex? a few minutes ago.
5. When was the last time you got hurt? ryan threw an empty glass bottle on my foot.
6. When was the last time you cried? southern game? ha.
7. When was the last time you lost something? my mind? when school started.
8. What are you listening to right now? ipod's on shuffle.
9. Why did your last relationship end? shouldn't have been together. mutual. it was fine. we're friends.
10. What bothers you the most about the opposite sex? that i can't find one for me.
11. Where was the best date you've ever been on? driving around in his car.<3
12. What was the first thing a guy/girl bought for you? 50cent ring from kevin g. in 5th grade. hahahaha.
13. Do you date more than one person at once? ladies is pimps too.
14. What was the last movie you watched? the gorilla movies of nascence and friends. lmfao.
15. What was the last t.v. show? college football.
16. What do you want for your b-day? money to get me to california.
17. What are you doing tonight? homework and college shit. ew.
18. When will be the next vacation? senior trip? hopefully going to florida for a few days over xmas.
19. How do you feel right now? tired, stressed, iwannaboy.
20. Who do you think will take this next? haha you're right deanna.