
Jun 02, 2006 15:05

I may have found us a place to live. The ad says some chick is looking for 3 people to share a house. And, look, there's three of us. Hopefully this will work out. I'm going mad. (Not that I've been home for a few days anyway ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

lee_rivers June 2 2006, 03:23:04 UTC
I'll come with, if you haven't gone already.


epithet_ June 2 2006, 08:58:41 UTC
Okay, I only just got this. Am I too late?


learntocrucify June 2 2006, 09:00:54 UTC
No, why would you be too late? I'm not planning on picking someone else to move in.

I've talked to the chick. She says it's all cool.


epithet_ June 2 2006, 09:02:23 UTC
You better not be.

Right then. Guess I should let Kate and Rhea know then...


learntocrucify June 2 2006, 09:04:15 UTC
She wants to meet with us. I'll text you the details now.


seminalsemiotic June 2 2006, 10:19:50 UTC
Is everything okay, Del? I hope everything works out with the new place...

Shall we get together sometime soon? I've missed you.


learntocrucify June 2 2006, 10:20:59 UTC
Why wouldn't everything be okay? Everything's fine.

Yes, sometime soon. Nice to see you out.


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