
Jul 03, 2020 19:46


Types of sex I am OK with: vanilla things, dubcon, rape, small group sex, bondage, light S&M, and sexy toy stuff
Kinks or practices I enjoy: oral sex, mutual masturbation, mild dub con, and fluff
Types of sex I'm not OK with: bathroom play and extreme guro
Kinks or practices I don't enjoy: cum dump, golden showers, scat, etc.
Willing to write rape or dubcon?: Indeed, I mean, come on now.
Is fade to black OK?: Sure.

I also have this with more details and stuff. Obviously the female related kinks don't apply to dirtyvegasrp.

☺ Best Friend || ⚡ Attracted To
☠ Hate || ☞ One Sided Affection/Attraction/Love (Guys doesn't reciprocate)
♨ Sexual Tension || ⚖ Acquaintance
⚣ Had Sex With || ☀ Platonic Friendship
♡ Love || ☁ Dislike


mes amis, mes ennemis, & l'indéfinissable

"Marions-nous au soleil, ou bien à Las Vegas, fais-moi grimper au ciel que je t'enlace."
Lusca is one of the most important people to Guys in Vegas. He lives with Lusca, depends on Lusca, and trusts him. He deeply cares for the other, exposing a softer side rarely shown to others. Lusca is one of the few people in which Guys worries about, so sometimes he does hide secrets from him. He just doesn't want the other man to worry. By now he knows his feelings are more than platonic but isn't sure what to do with them. The idea of Lusca loving him no longer freaks him out, but he has come to accept it and not push it away. He's still unsure about pursuing or agreeing to a relationship due to Vegas' environment and his own conflicting feelings about his sexuality. Living with Lusca has only proven they get along and work well together. Lusca helps Guys mature while Guys helps Lusca have fun and enjoy things.


"Fais gaffe il y a des coups de vice à t'en faire péter les boulons."
Holland brings out the worst and the best of Guys. Holland makes Guys go through a roller coaster of emotions and behaviors, and he probably returns the favor to Holland. He feels a great loyalty towards the nation, but at the same time he can feel really insecure about himself when it comes to Holland. This usually leads to a great amount of defensiveness or pushing Holland away. If there's someone who understands Guys the best, it's him. He's slowly realizing this, and so he never worries about Holland judging him, willing to go to the nation for advice. He considers Holland his best friend for this, and feels he can count on Holland for almost anything. The pink elephant in the room for them is sex and sexuality. It's obvious to them there is a mutual attraction, but like he's going to admit it. He's honestly worried if things went beyond platonic, their friendship and boss-employee relationship could be ruined. He's also worried things could be unrequited. Honestly? Holland has a lot of the things that Guys needs in a person. Too bad Holland is a nation and not a person.


"J'ai pas l'âme d'un gangster, la bonté de l'Abbé Pierre, ni l'aura de Guevara."
France is a mixed bag for Guys. While things started off rocky, things have gotten a lot better. France is kind of like that strange uncle to him, and he does care the nation. While Guys doesn't appreciate France's antics, they have had a good amount of deep conversations that have surprised him. He knows France honestly cares for him, and sometimes he's a bit too affectionate, but he can tell France is trying his best to behave. France is his country, and he remains loyal to France. He's friends with France, but at the same time it runs a bit deeper than Guys will admit. France does remind him of home and family. Right now he is being tutored by France, and he actually does show up to lessons. Most of the time.


"Il y a plus rien à faire, vivre avec toi c'est pire que l'enfer."
Durer is a monster. Guys doesn't hold serious grudges against most people, but Durer is one of them. His feelings for Durer can be summed up as KILL IT WITH FIRE. While he won't actively physically hurt the man, he does wish God would strike him down and have Durer go somewhere far so Guys never has to see him again. He's only told a few about Durer, and he's told no one about being raped by Durer. This is not a person Guys wants to run into in Vegas, but on the chance they do meet, usually bad things happen to Guys. After seeing Durer's dead body, he's been more at ease, but still. Yeah, prepare the tools first, not the leather.


"Et quand le peuple rêve il aime, disposer de lui même."
America has a huge ego, but he's fun. Guys likes fun people, and he's drawn to America's personality. He was kind of weirded out by how optimistic America was despite everything, and pings for Evan were constantly being brought up. America is already Guys' friend, and he does not mind spending time with America when it comes to having fun. He mostly disregards all the big talk America does, but for the smaller stuff he might just pay attention to it. He finds the nation strange, but a big breath of fresh air from the countries he's met in Vegas. It's easy for Guys to like and trust America, too. There's something charming about him, and he makes Guys laugh even though he can be annoying.


"C'est rattraper nos traces sur les chemins du temps."
Due to nations being nations and Guys being Guys, Guys ended up being a protectorate of Rome. Things of course got amended, and Rome doesn't actually own Guys. It's now more like Rome has semi-adopted the little Gallia juvenile delinquent. Rome is protective of course, but lets Guys do what he wants. Guys often calls Rome an Old Man when either annoyed at him or very playful with him. Since he is the Roman Empire, it's hard not to respect him. Rome is generally fun, and maybe a bit too fun. He reminds Guys of his father if he was a bit tipsy and much more boisterous. He trusts Rome and doesn't feel the nation is going to betray his trust anytime soon.


"Pas trop de boissons pis pas trop de crises de nerf."
Canada is a nice nation, but not someone Guys wants to go drink and do immature antics with. Instead, Canada is good for talking and just being level headed with. He finds Canada one of the easier nations to understand, and he has asked Canada to help him translate various "nation speak" or "nation behavior" so Guys can understand why they do certain things. Canada is also very useful in finding out old stories about the other nations, and so Guys make sure to try to sneak in a question or to about what Canada knows about their pasts'.


"Si la vie est une pute alors pourquoi je me sens si seul?"
England is a borderline friend of Guys. While they aren't just friends yet, he doesn't find the nation intolerable or beyond annoying anymore. He finds some of England's antics annoying, but overall he's a decent nation. He takes pity on England for his baking skills. So much so, he got France to help him bake things for England after England had an emotional talk about America and WWII with Guys. Now that Guys knows America, he is going to ask embarrassing stories about America to England and vice versa. Maybe in time they can become friends.


Name: n/a, Guys
Fandom: Enzai
History link: http://wapedia.mobi/en/Enzai, sort of?

Guys lives in 19th century Paris (France) when Napoleon Bonaparte is still in power. Most roughly conclude the year is 1809-ish (give or take a few), and so I am going with that. Guys grew up poor, with a brother, a mother, and father. His father works in construction and his mother does laundry for richer families. It's stated Guys has an older brother who leaves to work, while he himself is unemployed, Guys spends his days hanging out with his friends, usually causing mischief. He didn't go to school, and he has minimal reading and writing skills. He wouldn't mind having a job, though (so he says), and he'd do various things to get some cash here and there. It only takes one day for everything to change for Guys.

Guys, once a petty thief, has been charged with murder. Guys is brought to the police station by detective named Guildias. Guys has no idea that he has been brought into an elaborate scheme to cover up a previous crime relating to Muca. Guildias promises Guys the judge will go easy on him if he confesses to the crime. Frightened by everything that has happened, Guys accepts the plea deal and confesses. The paper work is done, and a story is conjured to match up with everything. Only later in court does Guys find out he has been tricked by Guildias, receiving a life sentence by the judge. His family is torn apart, and Guys is sent to prison. To make matters worse, his attorney, Lusca, seems drunk and totally apathetic to his innocence.

Guys isn’t sure what to expect from prison, but it doesn’t start off well as he meets Durer for a medical inspection. This medical inspection just ends up being an excuse to sexually assault Guys. He knows form that day on, prison is going to be nothing like the outside world he is familiar with. He meets other prisoners such as Jose and Io at first, watching first hand how the social hierarchy of the prison works. He realizes he has to be strong here or he will end up being bullied and taken advantage of. He also hope he doesn’t go crazy like another inmate, Belbet, has become.

The first couple of days for Guys isn’t too bad, but he is frustrated. He has job of making shoes, and the daily life if prison is settling in. He has befriended a few inmates, but he still is cautious around Vallewida and Jose. Something different happens one day, though. Lusca, Guy’s attorney, stops for a visit. He is drunk, but out of this frustrating meeting, Guys learns he can obtain a retrial if new evidence is found on his behalf. This leaves Guys with hope, and a drive to find new evidence for his case.

About a month passes, and everything seems to be going decently (as well as prison life can go). After running away from Jose, Durer comes to visit Guys in his cell. He sexually harasses Guys, forcing him to piss in his own cell. Guys isn’t used to that sort of humiliation yet, and he feels like this is only the beginning of things. In a couple of months, once again Guys would have to face Durer’s sadistic behavior. He watches Vallewida get beaten badly. So much so, Vallewida enters a his ghost mode (Guys thinks he’s possessed by a demon). Seeing this makes Guys fear for his own safety and life even more so than before. Even when he was frightened of Vallewida, Vallewida still takes care of him after he passes out after watching such a gruesome attack.

Lusca comes to visit a few days later, and with that brings more chocolate and news. Lusca is still drunk, but Guys mentions his friends should be able to testify on his behalf. He makes Lusca promise to find his friends, but Lusca doesn’t seem to have much motivation. After the meeting, Guys runs into Evans who explains more about Lusca. Evan and Guys hatch out a plan so Evan and Lusca can communicate. This ends up helping Guys to get Lusca motivated about his case, and not only that, Lusca becomes much happier hearing from Evan, his old friend.

With so many good things happening, bad things have to happen. Durer visits Guys again and takes him to meet up with Guildias. Guildias ends up sexually assaulting Guys, telling Guys to stop pleading his innocence. Guys only agree due to the torture, but in reality he doesn’t give up.

Three more months pass, and Lusca and Guys meet up. Guys gives the letter to Lusca, in which Evan wrote. Guys also tells Lusca about Evan, and Lusca changes quickly. They discuss they will keep writing and working on Guys’ case. Sadly Lusca has no new information for Guys at the time. He gives Guys some research material on the case, and Guys starts believing in Lusca for a change. He opens up to Lusca about his feelings, but Lusca says they need more evidence before a retrial. After the meeting, Guys goes back to cell to later be greeted by Durer. Durere sexually assaults Guys and makes him drink his piss. He thought he felt frustrated before, but now he was just sickened with what he just did. Lusca and Evan meet at another time, and Evan has Lusca dedicate himself to Guys’ case. Lusca agrees, but he’s more worried about Evan.

Another three months and another meeting with Lusca. Guys still hasn’t found any new evidence on his behalf. Lusca looks a lot better, though. Lusca has done some work, though, and Guys once again has hope that getting out is a real possibility now. Guys and Lusca exchange letters again, and Guys gives Evan the letter later on. Guildias would catch wind of Guys still trying to get a retrial, and so Guildias goes to see Guys a few days later. Guildias rapes Guys brutally, leaving him wounded and weak.

The next meeting with Lusca isn’t as productive, but they exchange letters and talk about evidence. Guys also tells Lusca about a prison break Belbet is going to attempt, but Lusca makes Guys swear not to break out. Guys still has doubts about Lusca getting him out, but Lusca states he is committed to the case. Guys agrees not to make an attempt to escape, but only if Lusca keeps working on his case. Later that day, Bollanet and Durer torture Guys, sodomizing him with wine bottle.

During the next three months, Guys starts going to the library and researches information about his case using the newspaper articles Lusca has given him. Evan helps him out, but he tells Guys Vallewida would be able to help out more. Guys is still creeped out by Vallewida at this time, though. Even during his next meeting with Lusca, he tells Guys to talk to Vallewida. The topic shifts as Lusca tells Guys he has found his friends and they are willing to testify. Lusca warns Guys that they should gather more evidence, but Guys is too impatient and pushes Lusca for the retrial. The next day the retrial is confirmed.

The retrial does happen, but Guys is found guilty of murder once again. His friends betrayed him, stating they couldn’t remember the events of the day. Guildias sees Guys after the retrial, and ends up raping him. With the rape comes information about someone named Muca. Guys becomes more depressed than ever, though. He keeps to himself and starts to lose his sanity. It doesn’t help he found Belbet had been shot to death during his retrial. Only a meeting with Lusca helps Guys, but at the same time he becomes more frustrated. Lusca gives Guys evidence and research disguised as book, hoping that Guys’ friends could help.

The book helps a lot, and guys gains a lot more information about the case. He also gains some evidence to prove he couldn’t have committed the murder, especially from Evan. Jose even offers helps, but it comes in the form of friendship. Jose’s friendship isn’t the most desired, though, especially when Guys is reminded of how Jose bullies Io during work time. Guys helps Io after the attack, and in return Io helps him gain more information about his case.

It’s almost Christmas, and Guildias brings Guys up to the guard’s room and sexually assaults him. The strange thing is, Guildias tells Guys story that is most likely about him. Guys finally has seen how crazy Guildias really is, and it’s bone chilling to him. A few days after the weird time spent with Guildias, Lusca comes. Guys tells him all of the new information he has collected, and Lusca informs him of things he has found, mentioning Jared had people working for him. After the meeting, Guys learns Jose was one of those people who was working for Jared. Jose promises to give Guys’ the notebook in exchange for sex. Guys begrudgingly does so, and Jose gives him the notebook the next day. With this new information, from the notebook Guys feels freedom is coming even closer.

Guys gives Lusca the notebook in their next meeting, and the connection between Jared, Muca, and Guildias is revealed. Lusca worries about Guys safety, and for a good reason. Guys goes to figure out the knife wound evidence from Vallewida, but Durer takes both of them away from they can discuss anything. Durer and Bollanet are about to torture and rape Guys to get Vallewida to talk, but it backfires. Vallewida tricks them, and Guys is set free. Vallewida is brutally tortured after. A few days later, Guys gives the case information to Vallewida, not fearing him as much anymore, trusting him even. Sadly Vallewida couldn’t find anything.

The next meeting with Lusca reveals more information’s that Guildias committed the murder. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Guildias, though. Guildias is furious, and so he tortures and rape guys. It is the worst attack he’s gone through, and Guys’ psych takes a beating. Guys still doesn’t give up, though. He talks to Vallewida about Guildias’ knife, and Vallewida gives him more information. He also states Guys is left handed, which is important.

The final meeting Lusca and Guys have together brings together all the information and evidence they have gathered. They file for a retrial again, and they are granted one. The retrial this time is much longer, and Lusca makes sure to cover all his bases with expert witnesses, evidence to show Guildias was the murderer, and how it was physically impossible for Guys to kill Jared. Guys is finally found innocent, and he thanks Lusca as he goes home with his family. Some time later, he gets a letter from Lusca claiming that Guildias has bee convicted of Jared’s murder, and not only that, the body of Muca was found on Guildias’ property.

Age: 18 (He’s about 14-15-ish in the Japanese version, and 3+ years pass by the conclusion of ending one).

Canon point: Ending One with these actions taking place:
- Don't go over to Jose
- Prepare tools first
- Pick lower Lot
- Open the box first
- Stay in cell
- Go find Evan in the library
- Don't go with him
- Head for the courtyard and take roll call


Guys is a rather complex character in a yaoi game. Since there are so many scenarios, we are able to see many sides of him. Guys is street smart, but he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. He knows how to get around, talk to people, and has experience with women and alcohol by the age of fifteen. He's not the best at thinking things through, but he knows how to protect and defend himself as shown throughout the game. He's immature, easily becoming defensive against those he can't trust or to those he gets bad vibes from. He also comes to some odd conclusions at time due to some of his boyish behavior (see him thinking Vallewida was possessed by a demon). He says what's on his mind, which sometimes gets him in trouble. He knows when to submit and back down, though, as survival and making it through is very important to Guys. Sometimes it's a little too late, though.

Guys is a hard worker when he's motivated. If not, he'll probably slack off. He also has a habit of biting off more than he can chew, and is willing to pick a fight to defend himself. He doesn't want to appear as weak, especially to those who like to take advantage of people. He is easily considered stubborn and obstinate, even when his life is threatened (which is a slight contradiction to his desire to survive and get through, but that could be caused by his youth and naivete at times). He's impatient and hasty, which can be a downfall to him. He also sticks to his opinions of a person ones he makes one, and it's rather hard for him to change his mind about a person. Guys can be sarcastic, but he can also be very friendly and social. When he feels comfortable around someone, there is a chance he will open up to them emotionally. Friends mean a lot to him, and betrayal is something that devastates him. He's not the best at listening to people, even his family members, but he cares deeply about those who are close to him. Family is important to Guys as well as honor, and throughout the game he grieves over his family's hardships. When Guys falls in love, he's seen as a lot more innocent, gentle, vulnerable, and cautious. Sometimes it takes him time to realize his true feelings, especially the more complex ones like love.

There is a darker side to Guys. When he watches a lot of the sadistic and masochistic behavior, it's easier for him to give into it. He doesn't consider himself a moral person (see his background as a shoplifter, thief, and him killing a dog for some change), but he doesn't consider himself evil like Guildias or Durer. He doesn't get much pleasure in sadistic behavior, but we see him throughout the game get turned on and aroused by masochistic behavior. He worries in prison about his sanity, wanting to keep that intact no matter what, which shows he doesn't want to turn insane like Belbet, Guildias, Io, and Vallewida.

Powers/Abilities: Guys doesn't have any superhuman powers or abilities. Maybe being able to still orgasm under crazy conditions but lmfao yaoi game.

rpg: dirtyvegasrp, permission, app, relationships

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