So Ken's gone. : (
He'll be back on Sunday afternoon. Yeah, I'll miss him, but I think I'll live. It'll just be tough to find shit to amuse myself with. I should probably get out a couple nights this week, but most people I know live a while away, and I'm not cool with going into "unchartered territory" bars. Eh. We'll see.
In other news,
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Comments 5
Red Bank does seem to have more options for the lonely drinker than Long Branch, though. At least the Laugh Inn is gone. That place was a horror show. Mind you, I'm not sure why anyone would want to pick anyone else up in a Red Bank bar. It's a little grim.
I recommend that you go out, but that you bring the lizards with you. If you can teach them to attack anyone who sleazes on you, you'll be safe.
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