I have a giganic intellectual crush on Robert Fagles. I want to have his Brain's children. I'm reading his translation of Aeschylus' Oresteiaand it's as spine-tingly as his Iliad. I should write this man a letter
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Sometimes my retardation astounds me. Brought all my books to the library with the intent of doing Greek homework and reading Aeschylus and... I forgot paper. I have nothing upon which to write the farking forms I need to memorize. I hate me.
1. Aesthetic pleasure increases productivity. 2. So does sleep. 3. I have a fair bit of reading to do tonight... 4. Sixteen Horsepower is fantastic. 5. Shopping is really pretty stupid.
I'm trying to do Greek homework and failing miserably, as my brain is currently so glurped from lack of sleep that I revised an LJ comment because I had garbled up what I was going to say. Truly the pinnacle of zombietude.