(entered: english)
This is getting pretty damn ridiculous. If anybody else thinks I owe them a bike or something else, or otherwise had interaction with the alleged previous version of me, you might as well come out of the woodwork now. This city's giving me enough surprises without the faceless fucking masses contributing.If possible,
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28th they closed off the lake.
By raft, there's some more land at least five or six days west of Discedo. There's a stretch of dark water that was full of sharks that broke the rafts last time we tried, though. Also, the communicators don't lose any strength at all that far out. There used to be a bridge across the lake, I think, but it's been long broken off and gone.
And the name of the man said to have contaminated the lake?
If there's material to build rafts, it's completely possible to build something stronger. No one's tried since?
Bridge... nothing guarding it, I assume.
This pirate's supposed to be building a ship for me! I don't know what's been taking him so long!
Now? No. But like I said, it's been broken clean off, you can't see the other side it's supposed to meet.
... If you've got a pirate working for you, I'd assume you're paying him something. You haven't been slacking on your payments, have you?
--So there was something guarding it.
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