Someone on LJ linked to a youtube video many months ago, about the "gilmore guys" and featuring Jared dancing in uggs and playing the didjeridoo...possibly this was just a fevered dream of mine.
Does anyone else make their Memories private because the descriptions are too embarrassing? I add weird extra words to entries so I don't forget what it's about, so some of them are like, "buttsex! bondage! Sam/Dean" or "Samnesia" or "Dean's foodpain".
How do y'all remember fics based on titles, anyways? *boggles*
Hi, I'm Natalie. I've been lurking around LJ fandoms for over a year, and I finally got a journal, uh, so I could have an flist. And icons. Maybe later I'll make some fanart. Or even fanfiction if I grow a pair.