Rant part 2

Feb 23, 2004 14:58

So my life is pretty fucking swell right now. I have a great man, I have the best friends in the world! My online buisness is doing pretty good. Unfortunatly there is a minor irritation which stems from ONE little girl who is getting herself in some serious trouble by running her mouth. Let me give ya a little background on the situation.
My ex boyfriend of 3 yrs is now dating a 17 year old girl..Now I've never met this person nor do I know anything about them. When I found out I talked to my ex and told him to be careful in which he said "Nothing is going on, I just want someone to hang out with, I'm not wanting to get into a serious relationship. I'm just having some fun." FINE.. the end...Atleast I thought...The same day I get a phone call from a really good friend who works with lucretiadomini and this girl is supposibly my ex's new girlfriends best friend. Not to mention the fact that I dont like this girl to begin with, because she likes to flirt with friends of mine boyfriends. (bare with me i know it's confusing). Anyways, lucretiadomini tells my best friend whom she works with that my ex's new girlfriend is talking shit, and has been doing so for like a month. Nothing really specific was mentioned other than something about her father was a cop and she wanted to have me arrested??? HUH?? SO...I call Andy let him know what I heard and to let her know I know. NOW...This girl starts emailing me telling me she never said anything she doesnt know me blah blah blah. In the back of my mind I'm wondering why lucretiadomini would rat out her supposed best friend like that...Seems a bit fucked up. Someone is lying..I say fuck it, Im going straight to the source. I go and talk to lucretiadomini at a show. I have some friends around who witness everything that lucretiadomini says. Now, According to lucretiadomini my ex's girlfriend said that Im a bitch (well DUH) and that she wants me to stop calling my ex, I'm apparently ugly? yadde yadde yadda. Now a few days later I see lucretiadomini supposed "boyfriend" at the Mag bar. He came in with a really cute girl. They both sit down at a table with me and a few of my friends we all talk for a little bit and I ask the dude what the hell he is doing with lucretiadomini someone else mentions that if he sticks his dick in her it just might rot off. Valid point I would say. He says that there isnt anything going on with the 2 of them. They just hung out a couple times and he didnt really like her. Either way the discussion lasted a min nothing big. The next day I call my best friend at her store. lucretiadomini is working and she told my friend what she heard about the previous night. My friend told me that lucretiadomini said I grabbed dudes junk, flashed him my tits, I was hitting on the guy, and that he said my boyfriend was a dork. My boyfriend gets a hold of her boyfriend. He denys saying anything .He said that lucretiadomini is full of shit and that he didnt want to have anything to do with the girl, because she couldnt keep her mouth shut. Now my boyfriend believes the dude. So do I. Seems like quite a coincidence that someone always didnt end up saying something when lucretiadomini is the other person involved. As for me hitting on the guy that was complete bullshit. He came in with a cool ass chick and I ended up talking to her more than I talked to him. I probably did grab his junk, but I grab everyones junk when I have to many drinks. Nothing personal...Really! Then I'm informed of this. oh yeah and then there was this
Now there were some things edited out of her journal that I said, let me just put it out there.

2004-02-19 22:39 (link)
A certain person should put a certain person *ahem* in their fucking place. haha We'll see >:)
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2004-02-22 09:07 (link)
yeah, I'd like to see you or anybody else try. You talk a good game online but if I was in your face you would shit your fucking pants.
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You know I think its pretty goddamn funny that you act like the victim here, when the sad truth is you got yourself into this mess! You talk more shit than anybody I know. Not only do you talk shit you work both sides of the fence getting everyone pissed in the process. Yeah, I think it was just yesterday when I called up to Hot Topic and if I remember correctly you were running your mouth to Lissa (again) about Rachel KNOWING I was on the phone. Yeah, and I talked to a certain guy I asked him about the supposed shit he said about Alex. He said you were full of shit and He didnt want to have anything to do with you anymore because you cant keep your mouth shut. The more I think about this mess the more I get pissed off at you, I think you are the root of this problem. You and your fucking mouth. Oh and if the drama doesnt involve you...Well...Don't get yourself involved!
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Re: Screen this...COWARD!
2004-02-22 12:54 (link)
I KNOW what I heard from him, and the only reason he told you I was full of shit is because he thinks you are hot and wants to be on your good side. He told me JUST YESTERDAY that he thought you were cute when he denied ever emailing you (which I didnt believe). I distinctly remember him calling Alex a "Geek" and he wondered what a "girl like you" would be doing with him, while he told me all the shit you were saying about me (which you have no basis for). This was the day after it had all happened. He is the one playing both sides of the fucking fence, in this situation anyway.

I do not think I am a victim whatsoever. I just think all of this is 12 year old, he said/she said bullshit. Something like this has not happened to me or anyone around me since I was in middle school, and the fact that someone older and more mature than me is the one who is taking it to heart. Its tiring, and has gone on entirely too long. I dont feel like I am the root of this problem, and I did not start it. All I know is this needs to be resolved, and it needs to be done soon.
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Re: Screen this...COWARD!
2004-02-22 13:31 (link)
I don't believe a fucking word that comes out of your mouth. Why do you think that night at the AOF show I had people around me to witness what you were saying? So you couldnt go back and deny what you said. Like you probably did anyway. Maybe you are freaking dillusional. Either way you lie. It's pretty fucking pathetic that you would completly rat out your best friend. I dont like you. I think your nothing but fucking trouble. I think you tell people what they want to hear and then when shit comes back on you, you lie your fucking ass off so no one is mad at you. You know what? If your name comes up I usually have something smart ass to say, especially lately. I would never say anything behind your back that I wouldnt tell you straight to your face. You are fucking fake! You want this to be resolved??? Don't kiss my ass and tell me all the shit rachel is saying and then go post shit like this trying to make yourself look better. Dont act like someones friend and then go fuck with their boyfriend. Thats why people call you the things they call you. You have no respect, and in return no one shows you any respect.

What it all boils down to is that lucretiadomini is full of shit! You wanna know why I don't like you? There ya go! Oh yeah....Watch your mouth sister!
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