
May 18, 2014 21:38

Oh for god's sake Shane, shut the fuck up you piece of human shit.

You look like a piece of human shit, Shane.  That's what you look like.  ...Also an idiot, but mostly a piece of human shit.

ALRIGHT MAGGIE!  Somebody needed to slap him in the face.

Pigpen never trained as a grief counselor.  All he's got is sort of grunty breathing noises.  They're comforting grunty breathing noises!  Like those little huffing noises bears or dogs make.

What did Hershel say?  He was yellin' loud enough, you didn't hear him?

I think Dale should just be in the background of every Shane scene, silently judging.  lol.  Idk why I find it funny but I do.

This was a really good subtle piece of acting there, cos you can tell that there was a bit of Shane that meant it sincerely, wishing Dale'd shot him.  He knows, at this point, that he isn't fit to be here.  It's like he wants somebody to acknowledge it who'll do something about it.

Poor Carol and poor Daryl and poor Hershel.  Poor everybody.

He's always just a little bit apart, Daryl.  When everybody stands together.

Shut up, Andrea.

Welp, Hershel's gone to get shitfaced.

*pause*  Knew guys like...Shane...Dale, you were a car salesman.  When the hell did you know guys like Shane?  I mean the hard sell is one thing but like, did one guy in a checkered coat just lose it one day and kill a customer with a wrench because he didn't want the undercarriage sprayed?

*helpless laughter*  Oh my god, Glenn.  You're so adorable.  Rick is just laughing his ass off in the driver seat.

Daryl tho.  lol.  I mean you could have at least asked instead of told, Lori.

Hershel's havin' a rough day.

...not the worst one he's gonna have, tho.

This just gets more and more tense

"Nobody's shooting anybody, right Rick?"  .....weeeeeellll, actually...

*pause*  Wait, did Andrea drive out there with them, teleport back to the farmhouse and then back to the truck for the burning?  I must have my event timeline mixed up

don't dead open inside

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