
Nov 23, 2004 02:45

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Comments 18

pinkplasticgun November 23 2004, 00:52:56 UTC
i feel the same way too
especially with the printed bikinis over tops
that is very much in summer/spring japan


killdestroy November 23 2004, 01:01:32 UTC
how about amazingly retarded.

i know they are lame but i really love those shirts with tuxedos printed on them.


doofusgrrl November 23 2004, 05:14:08 UTC
haven't laughed so hard at clothing, i like it.


ersartzsuperjew November 23 2004, 10:21:27 UTC
me and BLACKDEATH had a fascinating conversation about the projection of fallacy onto reality in the manner of synthesizing an image...kind of like c'est pas une pipe. i still don't think i really know what i'm talking about though. this is utra cool, though. its totally like the tux-print shirt but for emo kids


lecalculate November 23 2004, 21:44:15 UTC
emo totally died when those kids discovered cocaine...at least thats what i heard. je ne parle pas français and if by BLACKDEATH you mean opium i can see why you don't know what chu talkin bout. har har um. i'm just waiting for someone to stencil some gay unicorns morphing into rainbow morphing into a massive area of fur and i think im nuts


ersartzsuperjew November 25 2004, 22:34:49 UTC
i like the massive area of fur part, but otherwise yeah you've gone nuts.

hows china?


lecalculate November 26 2004, 22:46:31 UTC
dunno not there yet. murder mayhem and corruption? i miss seattle.

BO= ex-flame?


wintercircus December 4 2004, 07:42:28 UTC
what was wrong with this one

... )


lecalculate December 4 2004, 08:57:24 UTC
nothing. at first i think all these are pretty cute and now i feel they are too accessible...like justin timberlake


wintercircus December 4 2004, 09:04:03 UTC
are you into all the sexual innuendos with your pets thing because she seems to have a whole series of these.


lecalculate December 4 2004, 09:50:01 UTC
not really but are you? for a dog owner i thought they are fitting of your lifestyle hahaha so crass. did you see the current collection? they are so easy to screen print yourself.


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