Political Incorrecness part deux

Jun 03, 2006 21:41

African-American ( Read more... )

political incorrectness

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lecter_h June 3 2006, 19:20:59 UTC
I wasn't talking about the whole situation in America, i'm just saying that they shouldn't be proud to be African because they're not.

I'm joking about the sun, i'm sure that in the south it gets really hot. :)

I don't know what that color is, hmmmm

Oh and you reminded me, i should have written this above.
I've heard black celebrities say stuff like how they're proud that a black person won the Oscar or whatever... Now imagine if a white person said this, how he's proud that it's a white person who won. He'd be labeled as racist right away.

Racism goes both ways.


umm_khilafah June 3 2006, 20:41:36 UTC
You know what? This comment is so unbelievable and infuriating (and typically WASP I might add) that I am at a complete loss for words. If you weren't Muslim I'd post this to several communities because it's so outrageous. No wonder you didn't see the racism with the Egptian thing. It's like you've been raised on Birth of a Nation. Dem free-niggers f'um de N'of am sho' crazy.

And if you think your opinion is right go to a community on race such as interacial, debunkingwhite, anti_racism, ap_racism and post your thoughts. If you are right you should have nothing to fear. People will just agree with you. See what people will say subhana'Allah.

All I can say is may Allah guide you because you DO NOT have a clue. It's easy for you to take in such an ignorant manner because being white you will never experience anything close to what black people experience unless you put on hijab and then MAYBE you might get a TASTE of what it's like.


lecter_h June 3 2006, 20:54:53 UTC
Easy there.

This post wasn't that serious in my opinion, i can see where you're coming from but i would appreciate it if you kept this discussion private and not here.

Fighting is not allowed.


umm_habibah June 3 2006, 19:23:37 UTC
I agree!

Man, I'm so tired of these kids who aren't even like remotely african claiming african heritage just cuz they are black. Not to mention, over here, I'm not even considered African or African-American because I am not black, even though I'm Moroccan. Can you believe that crap?

Quit claiming our race is yours! Its not.


lecter_h June 3 2006, 19:28:43 UTC

I mean i could care less what continent we come from, i think it's stupid to label people like that. I just don't understand how they call Africa their home. It's so naive.


umm_habibah June 3 2006, 19:37:36 UTC
I kno


bascarsija June 3 2006, 22:13:30 UTC
meine güte, welche laus ist dir über die leber gelaufen? einem stolzen afro-amerikaner über den weg gelaufen oder was war der auslöser?
ich hoffe, ich komme bei dir wenigstens als teilzeit-ägypter durch. *ich* habe schließlich mal in afrika gelebt!!


lecter_h June 3 2006, 22:30:38 UTC
Genau, du hast mal in Afrika gelebt!

Ich mein warum darf ein Afro-amerikaner sagen, dass er/sie stolz ist ein Afro-amerikaner zu sein? Ist das nicht das gleiche wie wenn ein Nazi sagt, dass er stolz ist weiss zu sein?


bascarsija June 3 2006, 23:11:59 UTC
so funktioniert das nunmal. wenn ich sage "ich bin stolz eine deutsche zu sein" habe ich morgen die antifaschisten, die jüdischen verbände, die türkischen verbände und sonst wen vor der tür stehen und protestieren, weil ich neofaschistin sei.
wenn du sagst, du bist stolz ein amerikaner oder sonstwas zu sein, ists okay. so ist das nunmal.
naja, afro amerikaner... ein amerikaner mit afrikanischen vorfahren. das wäre soweit okay. afrika als seine eigentliche heimat zu betrachten ist natürlich etwas weit hergeholt, polen ist ja auch nicht meine. mein urgroßvater kam dorther. aber ich spreche kein wort polnisch mehr und war noch nie da. ich bin sicher mehr bosnier oder ägypter.


lecter_h June 3 2006, 23:24:30 UTC
Jeder der ful isst, ist automatisch Aegypter. :p

Deine Kinder werden auch das ful-genom in ihre DNA haben.

Ich weiss genau was du meinst.
Ein paar Leute, die mit mir studieren, fragen mich immer ob ich Nazi bin, da ich ja in einer Deutsche Schule war. Manche Leute sind halt dumm.


anonymous June 4 2006, 06:10:48 UTC
Lolerskates. You all do realize that most of you are just another shade of niggers to some retarded person in the world.


oops noctuary June 4 2006, 06:12:56 UTC
I wasn't logged in. That comment was from the tortilla colored negro of the bunch. Carry on the lolz


Re: oops lecter_h June 4 2006, 06:18:32 UTC
Your kind is not welcomed here!

dey tookaarrr jawwwbs!


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