so you don't have to read the whole thing...
Monday: I already covered in the Seton post before this.
Tuesday: took my Anat practical, thought I did pretty well. Did my best parallel parking job EVER into a free space at Rio Grande campus. I had lost a bet to my sister last week, so I took her out for a pad thai at Madam Mam's, my #2 pad thai of all time. Then we drove down to TX State to see a play for her "freshman experience" class, which is like UT's freshie seminars. It was the Importance of Being Ernest, pretty cute, although I think it's an odd choice to call someone Bunbury. and even more awkward to say Bunbriest. Plus there were refreshments afterwards, so that was a plus.
Wednesday: nothing much, my off day. I took the plunge and registered for the GRE so I'll be taking it October 15. I've been putting it off b/c I wanted to study for it, but my app is due Dec. 1 and I have other things to be worrying about so I just need to fill in the scantron and move on.
Thursday: Found out I got a 97 on my practical and a 100 on my stats test, which was only mildly dampened by my bitterness that UT is making me retake this inane stats class. If this isn't proof that I don't need it, then I don't know what they want. Today in lab we started cat dissection, but the prof used our groups cat as the class demonstration so I didn't get to do any actual cutting. Plus, he's done it all so my cat's all ripped up already. For lunch, I made myself my signature "sushi bowl" dish, which is actually me dumping all the California Roll ingredients into a bowl b/c I'm too lazy to actually roll and cut it. It's hella good. I even got my dad into it.
Tonight UT called me to ask for their yearly donation, which I haven't been contributing b/c I'm still trying to make back the 15K my parents already sunk into that place. But then they told me I could make it specific (i.e. not to an even bigger Megatron), such as the new ESB building they're planning for next spring. That's right folks (and more specifically Saida since only she spent as much time as I did in that stinky old building), the ESB is being torn down. They've canceled all labs for next semester, which seems a little sudden but I guess they finally had enough of the leaky labs and the bacterial bio-hazard that is the 2nd floor incubator. Whatever the reason, they're retiring her. And as much as I complained about her, I probably spent months of my life in that place-if you add it all up. I shall miss her. Campus is changing so much! I'm gonna be lost when I go back.
In other news, I am IN LOVE with bad music. Specifically Brit's Cold as Fire and Heidi Montaug's Body Language. The awesomest bad music can get. A friend played me HM's as a joke so we could make fun of it, but I ended up loving it. And Brit's was so annoying at first that I couldn't listen to it, but after a couple of weeks it's really grown on me. Anyone around might think you're a fan of some kindergarten singing sensation, but you just have to turn it up and forget who's watching b/c there's pink, bubblygum fun to be found in bopping your head to it.
I have no shame when it comes to my love of bad music. I realized it the other week, when defending my choices to said friend. She doesn't like "pop music" b/c it's processed and cookie cutter, etc. etc. Nevermind that her top five are all male guitarist, Jon Mayer wannabes. But then I pointed out that not liking pop music b/c it's dumb is like not liking Cheetoh's because they're unhealthy. The only ingredient you may recognize on the bag is cheddar cheese, but that doesn't change the fact that they are crazy tasty! So she can stick that in her pipe and smoke it.
So, shake them haters off and turn up the music.