Title: Precocious Child
Author/Artist: Lee and Kara Kiss
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Lee Adama and Kara Thrace
Theme: #25 fence
Rating: G
Disclaimer: They're not mine but Ron said we could play with them.
Author's Note: This one is definitely only a fragment now I think, but it's all I have in me right now.
It would never have occurred to him
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Comments 2
I do indeed envision her as a mini-Starbuck and Charlie as a mini-Lee, haven't yet decided which way baby William might go. Or even if or when the series might get more.
This piece has the issue of not matching the Government House setting of the series which wouldn't have had a property backing up unprotected to a neighbor's back yard. I figure maybe they were at their summer cottage though.
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