I really am not sure what my issue is with keeping up on here. I could spout out a million reasons and excuses, citing how "busy" I am, etc but I'd just be blowing smoke. No reason really. No excuses. Just didn't feel like it. I'm really "seasonal" with this thing. I"ll update every day for 2 weeks and then not at all for 3.5 months. Funny
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Comments 3
anyways...i miss you, especially at the wedding. it was wierd. i had to sit by amanda, ray, their baby and amanda's mom. it was very very uncomfortable. expecially when amanda's mom told me i should drink more water because i was "downing" the champaign. seriously, i didn't even finish the tiny lil glass and she said that. pissed me off. anyways...sorry - you and amanda are buds. my bad.
the trip to WI was fun. amblyopia and i had a blast driving my parents car back to WI. we had no time to relax at all, which sucked, but the time i spent with him was great.
i miss you leah! i hope things are happy and positive for you. keep looking for a job in Portland. this place ROCKS!
love, Lori :)
I'm up for a trip to Seattle!
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