Title: The Black Hole
Author: Nihilism
Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own, not insinuating.
Comments: Just something I let flow out of me. A little memory-type thing. Nothing spectacular. Based on some stuff I've heard about Mr. Ness.
The Black Hole. )
Comments 10
The freedom of flying through the air, carefree, only to meet a sudden stop, still shivering with energy. Michael sometimes feels the same way.
So good, that line. So true. Captures so much in so few words.
I really love this and I truly hope it won't go long before I see something new from you.
Disco Sucks Fuck Everything came on as I wrote this. It has to mean something, although I'm not sure what.
I love you lots, and I really really love this.
much love and respect, Mike
Your reviews are always the best evah. I'm glad you enjoyed this, even though there was no real plot or anything to it. That line, the one you italisized, I wasn't too sure about. It seemed a bit disjointed and superfluous to me, but you have reassured me, so thank you for that. And thank you for this review!
Tons of love and respect,
P.S. Don't worry...I'm writing now. Not much of it will be any longer than this, but I AM writing.
SD ain't my fandom, but fucking A all the same.
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And it's not really a casew of not liking Social D, it's just that I haven't heard enough of their music to make a judgement...I must say I'm a lot more interested now I've seen what the boy looks like. Rowr.
Mike, 1982
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And in the course of your reviews you've ended up posting pictures of Mike. Which makes things that much better.
I agree with you, he is a god, and I think you're one of the few (if not the only) person able to slash him and not sound like an ass and make me want to smack you.
Okay, that's enough.
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