Hello, Friends. Today I think my nerves where dangorously high. I went for my G1 exit test, in other words, I went to get my G2. (Haha Justin! Beat you too it!)
So, My road test was schedualed for 2:45 pm today, April 16th - I happily got there around 2:10. When I went to the reception desk I told the man that i was here for my 2:45 road test and that I had my drivers licence with me. He then asked me for my birth certitificate (which I thought was weird because i didn't think you needed it) and he wouldn't let me do anything before he had it. So i sent my mom speeding back home to try and find it in the time span of about 30 minutes. As I was waiting at the Ministry of Transport, I saw many poeple come in with their certificate from their driving school (I didn't have mine, of course) so it's now 2:40 and i i asked the same man if i needed my certificate as well. He looked confussed and asked why I would have had my drivers ed certificate and I said because i took it! Anyway, long story short - Allthoguht i mentioned I had a road test, was holding my drivers licence and said what i was there for, he thought i was there to write my G1 test. So he sent me over to another desk and it turns out that i never needed my birth certificate in the first place. So everything was fine ... except that my mom wasn't back yet. The lady infomed me that if my mom didn't show up in 2 minutes i would have to rebook - of course my mom didn't show up. Luckily, she said that she would try to fit my in in a half an hour. Yay! So, I waited in the car for the examiner. When she came, to my surprise she was only liek 20 years old, had blonde hair and was fairly pretty. A real Bitch though - but I guess they all are.
So, the only mistakes i mad was when asked to pretand i was parking uphill with a curve, I did everythign right, just forgot to put on the hand break. Silly me. Another one ... is a little more significant - It was at the beginning of my test and i was nervous, so when doing a three point turn I forgot to switch the gear from drive to reverse. I didn't hit anything and breaked automatically so it wasn't -too- bad. To compensate for such mistakes I can proudly say my paralle parking was PEEEEERFECT ;)
So ... I Passed ;)
On the other hand, My birthday is coming up. Im excited. Tomorrow mom is cooking me a big feast and this will be my birthday dinner. Then on the weekend of my birthday I will be at my dads. Yay :)