Title: Magic Gone Wrong! Chapter: 1/? Authors: LucklessMallory and Chinesefirethorn Rating: NC-17 Pairing: LeexGaara Summary: Tentacles, ftw?! Gaara is a sorcerer who lives outside of the small town where Lee works as a smith. WhenLee sits in on one of Gaara's ritual summonings, something starts to go terribly wrong...
Its been awhile. I've been a big fan of leegaara for a long time. I dropped out for a couple of years because of life reasons. Anyways I'm back and I want to get back in the writing game. I was just wondering if there was a place to get topic ideas for naruto fanfiction. Especially in the leexgaara category. If anyone knows of anything I would be
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I've been looking for a fic for a while now and it seems as if I'm unable to find it and I'm already starting to feel a bit desperate. So, please, if anyone knows this fic, tell me
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