3 texture sets, 20+ mixed icons

Nov 19, 2008 11:08

Ugh, anyone remember this journal?
Yes, I've been absent for months and it's even longer since I've last posted new resources...
But but but! New creative energy hit me and I dug out a baking book from the 50s with some extra pages in it, that probably my grandpa had put in, and scanned the hell out of it!


|x| 1 set of large textures
|x| 2 sets of icon textures
|x| 21 mixed icons - Emily Procter, Robert Downey Jr., Batman Returns - (all made using those textures) as examples and up for grabs
|x| Wahoooo!
|x| I live for comments and credit! (But comments make me REALLY happy!)


01-08 Emily Procter
09-18 Robert Downey Jr.
19-21 Batman Returns


Click image to download .rar!

Click image to download .rar!

Click image to download .rar!

If you need them in a zip file just say so - I can make one!

batman, emily, robert downey jr., textures, icons

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