First things first.
I'm not a new LJ user but as you've probably noticed, I created this account just a while ago so...yeah. This is my first entry, and I'm going to talk about what I plan to do with this journal.
I'm currently working on an OnTae fic, and it's my first slash fic. I recently finished my epic (coz it's really long, I'm telling you) and first het fanfic that is SHINee-related, and I'm still thinking whether I'll post it or not. But anyway... The first fic I'm going to post, since I'm not yet done with my OnTae fluff, is probably the original fic I wrote for our Creative Writing class during the first semester of the past school year. So if you have time and you have nothing else to do, then you might want to read it. :)
I'm also open to suggestions (regarding fics), and you can also make requests, though I'm not sure if I can grant them and work on them. But all the same, you can post away suggestions, prompts, whatevers on fics (SHINee-related, etc.) I have nothing to do this summer, except maybe look for a job or something coz I also need to work, but I just graduated so I still want to enjoy life as a fangirl and a bum. Lololol :))
P.S.: I just recently got addicted to Kpop (esp. SHINee) started around June or July so... I'm not really that well-versed when it comes to Kpop. Just saying.. ^^