Title: Do Electric Girls Dream about Android Boys (1/4?)
Pairing: Kame/robot-girl of the "Lock On" PV - eventually
Word Count:1,550
Genre: Oh.. Uh.. Sci-fi meet KAT-TUN-gen crack meet a little fluff meet a lot of generic sci-fi angst? Ehm... do I need to tell that it's AU?
Disclaimer: Pure fiction. Any real persons/events mentioned deserve my sincere
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Comments 2
I like the idea of them being humans upgraded into androids (although the way I've phrased that makes me think of Cybermen from Dr Who - even though they aren't like that at all) presumably to be better able to complete whatever mission they've been sent on. Sad that it messes with their memories though (by accident or on purpose????), although from the sounds of it they were all running away from something anyway.
And building the robot girl as a way to cheer Kame up is great, especially since it worked.
Spotted a typo though - Koki kicks triumphantly at Maru's sheen, should be shin. Hope you don't mind me pointing that out :)
I'll look forward to the rest :D Thank you for writing.
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