Unfortunatly, I've been in a lot of pain lately. Why you ask? Well 2 reasons: 1 my damn wisdom teeth decided to let me know they were in my mouth and want out my throbbing and making my life misserale & 2. I have a cavity in a tooth that is hidden by a wisdom tooth. Either way, My Mouth is causing me a lot of problems right now. A mix of Ultram
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So, this past weekend I just relaxed the whole weekend! I know it's rare that I get a whole weekend just to relax, but I was off of work and I decided to rest. Here is a little run down of what I did
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You know, when I say I want to post in my journal more often, I REALLY DO! It just seems that I either forget or just don't have to time. Blah, whatever I guess. I'll get to it when I get to it, like right now at work! hehe
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Yesterday was our annual outing for work. It's called Bill's Outing because we go to the CEO's house for it and his name is Bill. This year Brent and I were in charge of organizing it and from the feedback we have been getting we did a pretty good job. It was raining a bit outside, but it passed and turned out to be an OK type of day. We had
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