Title: Ardor (1/2)
Fandom: Infinite
Pairing: Woohyun/Sunggyu
Rating: R
Summary: His hair was almost always perfect, bangs coifed to the side and trimmed to sweep across the forehead just below the eyebrows. It was only in instances like these that his hair that it lost the neatness, becoming messy and dripping with sweat
Author Note: So instead of
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Comments 18
this was pretty sweet for smut xD and you write so well <3
I love how in your A/N you quote a b2st song LOL
I love B2ST!!! I never give up a chance to tease their fail english. I adore them for it though. <3
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment! You are far too kind~
Let's spazz together...in paradise 8D the teaser's been on replay mode for over an hour...only 29 seconds are driving me crazy though @__@
And you go and make the day compleeeete *//////* woogyu smexy action FTW!!
Aish aiiish, Sunggyu's cravings to touch and cuddle with Woohyun~ and imagining them becoming real~ (in your story or in reality lol) get me mushy and bouncy xD
Your sexy descriptions!!! Wet hair, parted lips, etc. I just can't @/////@
Oh and their positions...huhuhu -perverted- specially when Sunggyu tangles his legs behind Hyunnie's back *-*
hot, very hot. You fried my brain, yay!
I think I like you ^^
Now go finish this up because Woohyun is starting to make Gyu happy and I don't want him on hold xD
I want the MV so bad! I'm so happy that they're comeback is soon but... I'm kind of worried because they really didn't go away (a week doesn't really count). It's like their robots with all these activities. Anyways, I'm just worrying about them. XD
Sunggyu is hopelessy in love with Woohyun. <3 If they ended up being hopelessy in love with each other in reality I would be so happpyyy. My ulimate OTP! <3
Oh my, thank you so much. You're too sweet. When I'm editing my fics and rereading them I'm always super embarassed. XD I can't beleive I write some of this stuff!
I'm working on it now (along with some other things). Gyu would be so happy if Woohyun felt the same... I hope he does feelt he same!
Thank you for commenting~~ :3
I can't believe you totally ended a chapter while they were still having sex ahahah I find that funny ='D
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