Title: Bonsai
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Unrequited!TaeKey.
Warnings: It deals with pretty sensitive topics amongst fandoms. OOC overload. You have been warned.
Summary: Taemin grows a green house in the rooftop of the apartment he shares with Kibum.
‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ )
Comments 7
阿贾克斯 (second guess). I suppose Japanese may be the third. But no matter, anyway. We are all under the same sky. Comments here go to my email, so if you need a proofreader, just comment and we will arrange something. Hopefully, it will not be one of those weeks that I never check my mail. ;-)
I wish you luck too! ^°^ Though I must clarify I am not korean, nor japanese, nor japanese. I am mexican, and my first tongue is Spanish; my real name is Áyax (which translates to Ajax, you know, that guy from the Iliad, not the soap).
Don't worry, if I ever need one, I will make sure to call you!
Oh, so your name is John? No, wait, what, urhm, like, I mean- ARE YOU A GUY TOO? OH MY GOD I THOUGHT YOU WERE A GIRL ALL ALONG LOL OKAY
HI. (You might notice I hardly ever meet fellow male fans in here omg)
Take it easy. I don't comment all that often, but when I saw it was one of those rare guys, I suddenly felt camaraderie!
Juan (No vagina that I have noticed. I'll check again, just to be sure.)
So you live in the States? I always believed you were in the UK or someting like that haha.
(Close? As in how? Did you actually meet him?).
I am so sorry LOL, actually I am pretty used being around girls that suddenly talking to another guy feels quite...weird, I dunno. you are nice though lol
So your name is Jonh and you don't have a vagina. Mine is Ajax and I don't have a vagina either kinda out of topic but you like wee-wee, right OKAY BRB I SHOULD STOP HERE 'KTHNXBYE
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