On the way to church today I was reading Isaiah. I can become very engrossed when I am reading and I had been in this state for some time when I began pondering some specific verses-- prophecies about the Jews returning to their homeland. "Were these prophecies fulfilled when Israel became a nation again in 1948," I wondered, intent,"or was that
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I had a dream. I went to the library, but all of the books (with the exception of the childrens' section) were packed in boxes waiting to be moved to a new room, which was underground (mostly). The end.
Here are my guesses for the Myers-Briggs types of the main characters in "The Dark Knight."
Bruce Wayne/Batman: INTJ Harvey Dent: ENFJ The Joker: ENTP James Gordon: ISTJ Rachel Dawes: ESFJ Alfred Pennyworth: ISFJ Lucius Fox: INTP? I'm not so sure about him.
I think I'm going to start blogging again. We'll see how it goes. In the past, I've noticed just typing a few words, something, anything, can be enough to get me back in the habit, and that is basically the purpose of this post
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If you are not a) logged into livejournal at the moment and b) on my friends list, then this is probably the only entry visible to you at the moment
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