well well well i had my english exam today. it went well i suppose,i think i should have written more though,i was done in an hour and a half. Maybe I should have taken longer? OH WELL Whats done is done. Tomorrow is Social Studied. Larrfie.Thats gonna be an adventure:P
Im hungy. Its 5 37 and where's my supper? lol dont mind me,my mom bought me grape cola and chocolate eggs. Talk about hyper overload. hehe. eye @m giong 2 typa tha rezt off thiz entrie lyke thiz becauz everie1 who h@tez god charlette thinkz a!! tha fanz type lyke thiz but we dunt, itz inturestang tho mlao duz it m@k3 me sem ratardez?!#12
oh mi..to much of chocolate has got me going crazy. :\