May 15, 2011 15:00
Here, have an update from your friendly mod team :|b
First, a bit of bad news: we're pushing the opening date back a bit more; we will either open the game on May 24th or May 31st. This is because we're mainly waiting to have enough players to actually start playing! We've gotten a few new apps in this week, and a bunch of awesome new reserves, so we should be good to go by the end of May. And then all the real fun starts :3
Second, a bit of neutral news: If you are apping in right now, before the game starts, we'd like to offer people the chance to say their character has already been in this world for a week or two. In other words, your character can be established in this universe instead of just waking up in the safe room for the first time when the game starts. They'd have been in town for about a week or two, rescued by the army, and lounged around in the sectioned-off military barracks for awhile. This is mainly so that when the game starts, we can have other people available to rescue the new characters just appearing in-game. 8D If you're interested in having this apply to your character, just drop a comment to this post with who it would be, and let us know if you have any questions!
Anyway, in other news: WE ARE SUPER EXCITED. We've got the first event all planned out and ready to go; it'll be something of a lighter event, mostly to get characters situated and used to working with each other.
In the meanwhile when waiting for the game to start, go ahead and toss up some OOC introductions! We'd love to meet all the new people coming in, and it's always great to lay the groundwork for future plotting and CR :3
That's it for now, and we hope you enjoy all the zombie mayhem we have planned! :3