
Mar 09, 2022 13:27

I'm not usually surprised by ANYTHING, but I am a little bit surprised that Livejournal is still here right now. If it disappears, I'm also at Dreamwidth with the same user name. See you there?


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Comments 4

lynn82md March 10 2022, 08:53:15 UTC
I think the prediction is that LJ will disappear when it's early Friday in Europe and late Thursday. So, I think we have several hours before that happens.

...If it happens

I think I already have you on DW. If not, I have the same username there as here.


leftbase March 11 2022, 06:00:57 UTC
I have you on DW also - just checked! One o'clock AM Friday, not gone yet!


lynn82md March 11 2022, 07:39:07 UTC
Right now, it's 8:38 a.m in Sweden and it's still here. Perhaps it isn't going anywhere after all (unless they were going to shut it down later on Friday even if it's Friday in North America too).


bleppo March 20 2022, 17:02:34 UTC

I have a DW I haven’t used for a while. I’m also surprised (and relieved) that LJ is still here. I’m roseee over there.


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