So dinner at Savoury Japan turned into desert at Tulls. The problem was that Tulls was packed solid until 10 pm. The guy told us this without even blinking while we were standing in a half-empty restuarant. Apparently he's known for this and I'm glad I went just for the experience of such a rediculous man. So, we ditched him and went to Bennu's where I got an unbelievably delicious Caramel Banana Pie. After desert I studied with Jesse in the library and watched Rain Man with the group.
Yesterday was spent studying... all day. Got up around 8:30 and went to the library until lunch. Went back after lunch and stayed until dinner. After dinner I studied for a short while and then took a break by watching One Hour Photo with Eric, Rory and Lisa. Studied some more and then watched the second half of the most rediculous Japanese Martial Arts movie ever made. The Story of Ricky, or Ricky Ho. I can't describe it... just watch it.
Botany final this morning which went really well and in an hour I'm meeting the group for lunch at the Flying Squid. Afterwards I have a little bit of souvenir shopping, clothes packing, and then tonight we party! $10 bar tab at the Outback and whatever little cash I have left to spend on booze. My flight leaves for Auckland at 11 am tomorrow morning and I get to Fiji about 9:30 pm. I'll be there until June 26th and then I fly home. I actually leave Fiji at 11 pm but arrive in LAX at 3 pm. Fucking international date line. I'll be in Portland by 10 pm that night and ready to party if anyones around!
This is my last livejournal entry until I get home. I hope you all do well during the next week as I am incognito.
Peace out bros!