I found out that some of the nurses were "offended" by a presentation I did on Comprehensive Sex Education vs Abstinence Only. I didn't think I did anything over the top. In fact, I went out of my way to make certain that I stuck with facts and avoided blowing up the religious basis for abstinence (and pointing out that abstinence isn't aimed at
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Comments 15
Another thing to consider is whether it is really a good idea to be preventing people from having sex. Are we doing a lot more damage to people by trying to convince them that perfectly natural inclinations are somehow wrong or at very least misguided.
(Where'd you get the 97 percent, btw? I'd like to follow up on that the next time I do a sex ed story for the paper and someone screams stupidity at me.)
That link is somewhere in my journal. I will go look for it sometime because it was a great statistic. It was a study of about 2000 people who were asked if they had sex before marriage. It was a humbling number.
What I can tell you is 89% of men and 92% of women have sex by age 23 (Kinsey Institute) while the average age of men at marriage is 27.4 and women 26.0. (US census 2007). Clearly, the vast majority of people are not waiting until marriage.
The only person I know who may be more straightforward about sex than you, my friend, is my friend Chava: an Orthodox Jew married to a Rabbi, who works L&D at Barnes-Jewish. (She's also a midwife, working on her MSN so she can become a certified midwife in Missouri.) If she gave that sex education presentation, she would blow their minds.
fwiw, I privately lay the accountability for all the unwanted children that result from abstinence only education on the steps of the church. Telling someone one to pray for a cure when antibiotics are available are simply bad people.
I just got popped by someone's beliefs about the world. Not because I did anything wrong, just because I believe different things about the world. People can believe whatever they want. It is when they start telling other people how to live their lives that I get snippy.
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