i really don't feel like studying japanese... T_T

Jun 16, 2010 20:58

Meme responses from questions/comments I got from mior_ravie & vai_rin

1) OMFG YOU REALLY HAVE AN APARTMENT IN JAPAN? How much Japanese do you know? And what is Japan like? <3 I WOULD LIKE TO GO TO THERE.
LOL the face I made when I got this question was like O_o ... because I don't live in Japan. xD;; I have an apartment, but it is in the US (Wisconsin, specifically) and I'm taking Japanese and going to Japan to study abroad (or, planning on it as of now...) in January, so I'll keep you posted. LOL. Umm... My Japanese is okay. xD;; I'm terrible at memorizing stuff so vocabulary and kanji is hard for me... but I like to think I'm improving ^_^;;

2) Speaking of, are you a 30 Rock fan? ^___^U
OMFG yes! 30 Rock is one of those shows that I watch allllll the time (like Law & Order, haha)

3) Have you checked out Awkward Zombie yet? What video games do you play? Which console do you like best?
Umm... idk what Awkward Zombie is. xD;; I like all the Kingdom Hearts games (obviously, lol) and Final Fantasy 13 (plus other FF titles) and definitely Portal. Portal is so much fun. ^_^

4) Are you into music at all? Do you play an instrument? I don't know why, but my mind randomly associates you with music.
I listen to music all the time (usually what I'm doing while updating icontests/making icons and stuff) but no I don't play an instrument. xD;; I went through three different instruments in middle school and never got good at any of them. T_T I'm a lost cause. xD;;

5) Okay, this is a weird question, but I always have vivid dreams. What kind of dreams do you have? Have you ever had the dream where you're flying? (I never have. T_T)
I don't know I never remember my dreams. ;; lol... but the ones I can remember have never been the flying one I think... I have the falling one a lot O_o

I'm gonna respond to these too... instead of studying... orz. >_<;;

Five random thingies about you:
1. Carrie is a beautiful name! :D
Aww thank you!! ;; ^^;;

2. Hmmm... your color is a bright pink, or maybe a bright yellow. Something warm and cheery. :D

3. Probably met you over tcg_exchange...
uwaaaa I think so ^^

4. Actually I associate you a bit with my sister, only because she's left handed. ^_^u Not a character, but still.
LOL haha that makes me laugh. xD;;

OMFG WILL YOU MAKE ME BANNERS THEN?? 8D!! haha kidding... but really... >_>;; lol but your banners are teh awesomeness. xD;;

6. I remember you always having an icon with a girl and a piano, so I associate you with Nodame Cantible. Which is actually a rather vague connection, but it's true. ^_^u
Oooo yeah I was using that icon by ksiconpalace for awhile~~ (it's Maka from Soul Eater, btw. Same as this icon...) lol I've never heard of that manga I'll have to check it out... ^^;;

These are the ones vai_rin said to me.. lol ^^;;

1. You have such awesome icons :)
omigosh thank you ^^

2. mmmm green?
uwaaa really green? lol no one's said that before~

3. hahaha helping you as being a co-mod at manga_character :D
Haha... I love that comm so much it is my baby ;;

4. Maka
LOL Just out of curiosity is it because of how much I icon'ed her at mc_awards?? lol...

5. you're a nice person \o/
thanks! ^^

6. Kingdom Hearts;; and Soul Eater
Both of which I LOVE xD;;

7. go put it now, please is this even a challenge?
OMIGOD I DID lol... xD;;


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