kaya's surveys part one

Aug 10, 2003 10:48

i tried to complete all the surveys i owe last nite beginning from about 1, but i ran out of stamina at 5:40am and went to sleep. can't believe they total 20 pages in verdana 8 on microsoft word... so here it is, page 1 to 11.

>> You and Yourself

1) What's your name? - yanglei
2) Do you like your name? - i dun mind.. but 85% of the people i come across pronounce it wrong. i’m more used to yangy nowadays, anyway.
3) What other names were your parents going to name you? - never bothered finding out.
4) And if you were born the opposite sex? i think they named me after i was born.
5) What is the most annoying name? - isaac.
6) What is the most attractive name? - elf names i suppose…
7) Ever wish you were a member of the opposite sex? - for a day maybe i wouldn’t mind. or maybe for a month to experience their monthly ‘pain’ they always complain abt.. lol.
8) How often do you wash/bathe? - everyday.
9) Where do you shave? - nowhere yet..
10) How do you relax? - sleep or go for a walk at east coast park or just stone.
11) What are your pet peeves? - irritating nagging parents.

>> You and Others

1) Who is your best friend? - i’m the kind who have a lot of really gd friends but no one particular bestest.
2) Why are they your best friend? - because they rule!
3) Do you have many enemies? - quite a few yeah.
4) Do you find it easy to get on with other people? - yeah most of the time.
5) Do you talk to strangers? - if i’m sure they’re harmless.
6) Prefer to talk to people younger or older than you? - younger i don’t mind…i mean, duh. too old people sometimes there’s this generation gap and we can’t identify with each other.
7) Are you patient when talking to others? - depends on the person.
8) How to you deal with people that annoy you? - scowl or dao.
9) Would you say you are polite? - um… depends on the situation.
10) Do you talk to your neighbours? - yeah the ones next door and upstairs.
11) If you see an accident or incident, do you inquire about it? - yeah.. i’m [as many of you are] instrinsically a curious person.

>> You and Love

1) Are you in a relationship with anyone? - i don’t think so.
2) If so, do you think he/she is 'the one'? its better not to commit myself…yet.
3) If not, are you currently looking? - i keep every option open but that doesn’t mean i don’t stay focused.
4) Would you ever have an affair, and why? - believe it or not, no. i think i have what it takes to remain faithful..=P besides my horoscope says so too.
5) Do you agree with casual sex? - no comment but that doesn’t mean i condone it.
6) Would you have a relationship with someone that already had children? - definitely not.
7) How old do you want to be when you marry? - mid to late 20s. early 30s if that’s what it takes. i want to make sure i’ve got the right girl…and stabilise my financial situation first.
8) Or have children? - a couple years after marriage lorh.
9) What would you call your future children? (Male and Female) - i’ll let her decide la.. i won’t mind anything as long as its not too stupid sounding.
10) Would you ever marry an 80-year-old millionaire? - no way!
11) What is your age limit for relationships? - um.. no holds barred? lol.

>> You and Life

1) What do you want as a future career? - architect, interior designer, window cleaner? haven’t really decided.
2) What are your ambitions? - no big goals, just to have a stable job and a warm family and a loving wife. short term: get my ass to rj someway or another.. if i can’t make it then acjc.
3) How long do you want to live for? - as long as it takes.
4) Believe in growing old disgracefully? - if i mess up my entire life as an adult. which i’ll try my damn best to prevent.
5) How would you want to die? - peacefully without worries.
6) How would you want your funeral? - doesn’t have to be grand or elaborate…i’ll be happy if all whom i cared for and all who care for me take a minute to commemorate my departure.
7) Would you kill yourself if a loved one died? - no.
8) If you had one last request, what would it be? - that all my loved ones will be able to do what i couldn’t.
9) If you only had a month to live, what would you do? - live that one month to the fullest. spend all my time with friends and loved ones, spend every damn cent of mine, break every single school rule in the book, have tons of sex, fly around the world.
10) What is the point of life? - you’ve come to the wrong person.
11) What are you living for? - myself?

>> What is your opinion on...

1) The war against Iraq? - america showing off again.
2) Discrimination? - do what you want, its still there.
3) Smacking children? - if they’ve been naughty.
4) Football hooligans? - spoils the game itself.
5) The fire service strikes? - hmm?
6) Obesity? - nothing to be ashamed off. but if i dun like your face, i niao lor. -cumpaunch-
7) Online dating? - if it works for you.
8) Adultery? - not good…
9) Euthanasia? - never thought about it… go ask calvin and his group.
10) Vegetarian diets? - have some meat, its tastier.
11) Self harm? - bullshit.

>> You and Situations

1) If you could save only one person from a burning building, your favoured parental figure or a doctor with the knowledge to cure a disease such as HIV or cancer, whom would you save? - duh the doctor. no way I’ll save any of my parents!
2) If you (or your other half) were expecting a child, but were told that due to unfortunate complications, only the mother or child could be saved, which would you let die? - the child.
3) If you were trapped in a lift that was about to collapse with a elderly lady and a young boy, who has the right to escape first? - the lady. but having the right and having the ability is another thing…me and the boy will probably thrash her up.
4) How would you react if you came home and caught your best friend cheating on your trusted other half? - reach under my bed and pull out his other half’s bra? lolllllllllllll.
5) Would you sacrifice your own life for a loved one or family member? - only if its someone i truly love.
6) Would you ever donate any of your organs to anyone, either a loved one or a total stranger that needed it? - if it was the last resort. and if i can stay alive.
7) Would you ever abort your own child, or place them up for adoption if they were disabled or unplanned? - no. at least not now.
8) If your best friend's other half was cheating on them, and you knew, would you tell your friend, or confront his other half? - confront the other half first.
9) How would you react if your own child was a murderer and placed on death row? Would you campaign for or against their life? - let the law handle it.
10) If a family member or loved one were killed either through an accident or murder, would you demand justice, the killer's death, or try and forgive them? - accident i’ll forgive but never forget. murder obviously i demand justice..
11) Finally, if you were called up for war, would you go for your country, or refuse and face jail? - go for it.

Nicknames: yangy and variations.
Age: 14+
Birthday: october 7.
School: tchs.
Color of eyes: black.
Hair: naturally quite black.
Height: 167cm
Brothers/Sisters: 4 brothers.
When's your bedtime?: unearthly.

------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
* been so drunk you blacked out: yeah a couple of times.
* missed school/work b/c it was raining: no. i fake illness.
* set a body part on fire for amusement: kind of.. when i was bored at obs.
* been in an accident: yeah quite a few times.
* been hurt emotionally: who hasn’t?
* kept a secret from everyone: yeah.
* had an imaginary friend: i brought my invisible friend to show and tell in pri sch coz i didn’t do anything… ahaha.
* wanted to hook up with a friend: duh…in sec 1. now we all know each other quite well.. haha.
* had a crush on a teacher: lol june tan arh? actually i’ve seen quite a few hot ones.. hahah.
* thought an animated character was hot: yeah! the anime girls are made to excite.
* had a New Kids on the Block tape: no.
* cut your hair: um duh. but i haven’t cut for damn longgg and i’m proud of it. :)
* been sarcastic: nooooonono.

* Shampoo: organics or rejoice or heads & shoulders.. doesn’t really matter la.
* Soap: been using dove for a long time already.
* Color: blue.
* Day/Night: night/early morning.
* Summer/Winter: winter.
* Lace or Satin: satin.
* Cartoon Characters: you mean hottest? asuka? love hina girls? dead or alive girls? rikku? i can name tons..
* Ice Cream: mm most ice creams i won’t mind.
* Subject: nonexistent.
* Drink: no specific favourites. i drink a lot of milk though..
* Sport: football basketball soccer baseball hockey chapteh.
* Person to talk to online: dawn sarah kaya rayner goldfish dingo evelyn liz.

----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: long sleeve shirt my aunt bought from japan..
* Hair is: longgg.
* I'm feeling: bored.
* Drinking: water.
* Thinking about: what time to go back to boarding school tmr, fantasy, football, eva, you.
* Listening to: stuff that i heard while in the boarding sch and dled when i got home.
* Watching: comp screen.

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
* Cried: no. it was spent solely on the com, tv, and bed.
* Worn a skirt: rit…
* Met someone new: no.
* Cleaned your room: no.
* Drove a car: no.

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: depends on in what. i don’t have confidence when i need it, then i get too much when i don’t.
* Friends: many of them.
* Santa Clause: i used to…
* Boogie man: didn’t even know he existed until poems deep & dangerous
* Destiny/Fate: yeah.
* Angels: you made me.
* Ghosts: i try not to… haha. but thoughts of bm and stuff keep popping into my head when walking around afterhours at the boarding sch.
* UFO's: only in smallville.. man i love that show.

-----------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: urm nope i guess…haha.
* Who's the loudest: kaya or matthias can make the ground rumble from miles away. cheryl or michelle can shatter glass.
* Who do you go to for advice: depends on what lor.
* Who do you cry with: myself. or whoever’s there.
* What's the best feeling in the world: to have nothing on your mind, nothing to worry about.
* Worst Feeling: regret.

1. Do you sleep more than 6 hours a day? its becoming more and more of an anomaly so to speak.
2. Do you get up early? i don’t have a choice.
3. Do you get right up or lounge in bed? i plonk rit back.
4. Jim Morrison was so excited by life that he never yawned. Do you? yeah right.
5. Do you waste a lot of time? look what i’m doing here.
6. Are you often bored? ditto.
7. Do you spend time doing nothing? yeah just stoning sometimes.
8. Do you have any hobbies? not much. my life revolves around the com and tv.
9. Do you get the most that you can out of school? no. i’m screwing it all up when it was all presented on a golden platter to me. blame myself.
10. Are your days full and fast paced? extreme ends of the spectrum. sometimes they’re just so empty. sometimes just so packed.
11. Do you have goals that you are constantly working to achieve? yeah. and more often than not constantly fail to achieve.
12. Do you enjoy every moment, even when you'd rather be doing something else? i try my best to. sometimes though, its that bad.
13. Do you know better than to take life too seriously? i take it too lightly.
14. Which do you make: wishes or plans? a little of both.
15. Do you do just what you want to, not caring what others think? sometimes i’m quite stubborn.
16. What were you doing the last time you really felt you were living life to the fullest? haven’t had that feeling for a while.
17. Do you laugh just as loudly when you are alone? if it’s that funny, yeah.
18. Are you so overemotional that you are blind to what's really important? i don’t think so.
20. Do you challenge yourself often? hmm not often. but I do.
21. Do you seize each day? no. many are just thrown away like that.
22. Do you pay attention when opportunity knocks? most of the time…but then i try to seize it, and that’s where i fall flat.
23. Do you love everyone and everything with your whole heart like you've never been hurt? only for exclusive people and things.
24. Are you always trying to learn new things? yeah. most of them useless though haha..
24b. Do you use excuses like 'I'm too tired' to keep from doing things? yeah.
25. If there was one thing you could do right now that would really make you feel alive what would it be? prade, sleep, see you.
26. Why aren't you doing it? because its 227am, because of this, and because you’re not here.

? HEARTS (love and friendship)

2?: Are you happy about something today?: i enjoyed taking the day off from work and just slacking.
3?: What about it makes you so happy (or unhappy)?: it’s a bloody national day on a saturday.
4?: When was the last time you went out with friends?: last sunday celebrating junyi’s birthday.
5?: When did you last spend time with your family?: just now dinner.
6?: When was the last time you went on a genuine date?: err.. quite long ago.
7?: When was the last time you kissed someone?: if i rmb correctly sometime in june?
8?: When was the last time you had sex?: haha oh yes done it before.
9?: When was the last time you told someone you loved them?: that day… 2 weeks ago i think haha.
10?: Have you ever been in love?: yeah.
J?: Who knows more about you than anyone else?: myself. most don’t understand me but they think they do.
Q?: Who in your family are you closest to?: i don’t like them but i don’t hate them. closest? used to be my 4th brother until he left for taiwan to work.
K?: Who is your closest friend?: quite a few close ones…
A?: Who do you love, more than anyone?: myself I guess.. i’m selfish at times.

? DIAMONDS (money and success)

2?: What's the first time you ever remember getting money?: getting the change from the uncle at the green plate stall.
3?: What did you do with it?: kenged it into the vending machine to buy aloe v.
4?: What's the first thing you bought because everyone else was buying it?: pro-yo 2.
5?: What was your favorite gift from childhood?: childhood as in way back? i don’t remember them…haha sorry.
6?: What is the most money anyone ever gave you, as a child?: 200 bucks red packet.
7?: What's your favorite toy from childhood?: hot wheels or transformers.
8?: What car do you drive now?: no car la.
9?: Where do you live now?: singapore. who just celebrated her birthday.
10?: What's the greatest thing you've ever bought?: not exactly i bought, but it’s a tie between the com and my hp.
J?: What car do you most want?: hmmm. anything that appeals to me… but the wild side of me wants a lambo, porsche or lotus.
Q?: Where do you most want to live?: paradise.
K?: What luxury (you'll probably never be able to afford) would you most like?: all the money in the world.
A?: What do you consider the pinnacle of success?: fulfilling every dream you have.

? SPADES (labor and career)

2?: What was your first job?: opening car doors [for my bro’s wedding].
3?: How much did you make?: $50 red packet.
4?: What was your favorite job?: haven’t had one i enjoyed yet.
5?: Why did you leave it?: um see above?
6?: Did you further your education after high school?: am going to.
7?: What did you study?: what will i study? haven’t really decided.
8?: What is your current job?: subordinate of the relentless overbearing boss they call the singapore education system.
9?: How long have you been doing your job?: most of my life so far has been unfairly wasted on it.
J?: What do you plan to eventually do?: grow up and get out of here.
Q?: If money were no object, what would you do?: travel around the world and do every single thing i want.
K?: What's the hardest thing you've ever done?: babysit.
A?: What's the hardest thing you've ever done, purely out of kindness?: babysit.

? CLUBS (war and conflict)

2?: Are you upset about something?: many things.
3?: Why does it upset you?: they’re something others force me to do.
4?: Are you not talking to someone?: yeah.
5?: Is someone not talking to you?: no one i care about.
6?: Were you personally affected by September 11th?: no.
7?: Has it changed your personal habits?: no.
8?: If you were drafted, would you object?: by which team!!! of course i wouldn’t.
9?: Can you see yourself dying for your country?: fighting for her yes. dying, never. i’m a survivor…hah! i won’t die and let any clark kent kope my lana lang.
10?: Can you see yourself dying for anything else?: yeah.
J?: What is the worst news you ever received?: hmm. i dunno. but the one i remember the clearest is when princess diana died…i was watching baywatch then suddenly the ticker appeared at the bottom.
Q?: When was the last time you cried?: 6 or 7 months ago.
K?: When was the last time you hit someone?: thursday accidentally hit somebody’s hand during bball and drew a foul.
A?: Have you ever genuinely wanted to kill someone?: yes many many times.

1.FULL name: xie yanglei.
2.Nicknames: yangy and variations.
3.Where do you live: singapore.
4.Birthdate: october 7.
5.Astrological sign: libra.
6.School: tchs.
7.Hobbies: not much.
8.Sports that you play/enjoy: football soccer basketball baseball hockey chapteh.
9.Height: 167cm.
10.Weight: 51kg.
11.Shoe size: 8-10.


1. What do you think of the way you look?: very me.
2. What do you think about your attitude?: very me.
3. What do you think about life after death?: intruiging.
4. What do you think about karma?: very letchmi.
5. What do you think about love?: make it right or don’t.
6. What do you think about fate?: things get ugly when it takes a day off.
7. What do you think about your self?: very me.
8. What do you tell yourself if times get hard?: life sucks… get a grip and fuck it!!! show life what you’re made of! [but it doesn’t really work]
10. What do you think about your first love?: long over it? hahaha.
11. What do you think about the first person that loved you?: not sure who was the first. at least there could be tons who never revealed rit? [lol ji ego]
12. What are you scared of?: failure.
13. What was the saddest moment of your life so far?: when friends misunderstand me.
14. What would life be without friends?: not the same.
15. Without family?: maybe better off. maybe not.

[The Dream Side of You]

1.Do you dream a lot at night?: yeah.
2.Do you dream in black and white, or color?: used to be black and white. then a couple of years ago i upgraded and they became colour.
3.Do you remember any of your dreams?: yeah some of them.
4.Where is your dream make out spot?: somewhere idyllic and quiet. worse come to worse, my room? her room?
5.What is your dream kiss like?: perfect.
6.What is your dream job?: do what i want without restraints.
7.Where is your dream house?: i have blueprints for quite a few in my mind’s eye…haha.
8.Where is your dream vacation?: travel round the world.
9.Do you believe that your dreams are a gateway to your soul?: to a certain extent. they don’t constitute the whole of me.


1.Parents names: heck them.
2.Do you live with both of them?: unfortunately yes, but for the moment no. in the boarding school for a month…
3.Any siblings?: 4 brothers.
4.Do you get along with your siblings?: yep.
5.Do you get along with your parents?: maybe 35% of the time.

[Do you...]

1.Do you write in a journal or diary?: nonono.
2.Do you keep an organizer?: its kinda…not so organised? hee.
3.Do you believe in love at first sight?: yeah.
4.Do you believe that every person has one soul mate: yeah.
7.Do you believe in having a good education?: no. we don’t need all this shit.
8.Do you believe in horoscopes?: liz made me do it hahaha.
9.Do you believe in yourself?: sometimes but not much.
10.Do you shower daily?: yeah.
11.Do you like this survey so far?: this and the few above? my head’s spinning sia haha.
12.Do you like the person that sent you this/posted this?: quite.
13.Do you cry easily?: no.
14.Do you believe in Heaven?: paradise perhaps.
15.Do you believe in hell?: yeah. they have a cubicle there reserved for me. complete with a gold encased name plate.
16.Do you believe in reincarnation?: yes.


1.favorite day of the week: wednesday or friday.
2.favorite ice-cream: i like most ice creams.
3.favorite movies: many many many.
4.favorite actors: hahaha chew chor meng? dunno.
5.favorite actresses: kristanna loken [whoa kaya’s right] and cheryl chan lol.
6.favorite quote: can’t remember any…the one that came to mind right away was “baseball no make sense. man with 4 balls cannot walk. - cornfucius”
8.favorite music groups: tough.. i like most kinds of music.
10.favorite holiday: end of year.
11.favorite season: spring.
12.favorite colors: blue.
13.favorite flowers: no favourites.
14.favorite school subject: nonexistent.


1.boyfriend/girlfriend's name: hehe uh none?
2.crush: nope…
3.where does that special someone live?: in my heart. [ji romantic rit…i know. :)]
4.things you like in the opposite sex?: eyes hair body chemistry.
5.when was your first kiss: hahhaa. said quite a few times…if you missed it too bad.
6.are you a virgin?: duh.
7.the most romantic words anyone has said to you was: these kinda stuff are reserved for myself. *sticks out tongue*
8.which is more important - personality or looks?: both complement each other.

[Creative Q's]

1.If you had the choice to spin around the sun, or walk on the moon, which would you choose and why?: walk on the moon.
2.What color do you think best describes you and why?: blue. no reason.
3.If you could be doing anything right now, what would you be doing: sleeping. i really should be… its 317am.
4.Would you ever share your heart completely with someone else? yeah.
5.Which sense could you not live without, and why?: sight or touch.
6.Have you ever written on a mirror? yep…
7.If you could change one thing you did in the last 24 hours, what would it be and why?: none. i’m perfectly ok with wasting the national day away on the com, tv and my bed. =D
8.Do you prefer sleeping outside beneath the night sky, or your cozy bed : in my bed under the night sky.
9.What is the most beautiful thing in the world?: i wouldn’t say in the world, but in recent memory, the sunrise.
10.Name one person whose changed your life for the better: dawn.
11.What can someone do to you that would turn you on fully - physically or mentally - or both?: hugging? stroking? tickling? eek i better don’t get into the details.
12.If you knew you were going to pass away within the next few days, what would be the last thing you say, and who would you say that to?: next few days meaning? less than a week? sorry i didn’t wait. you know who.
13.What is one thing that can make you smile no matter what mood you're in?: you.
14.If you could meet anyone, past or present, dead or alive, who would you meet and why?: jerry rice. because he’s my idol.
15.what makes you you?: haha me duh!

[The first 5 songs on your MP3 list are]

Ayumi Hamasaki - Seasons
Dishwalla - Angels or Devils
98 Degrees - Why (Are We Still Friends)
Move - Silent White
Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra - Titanic Medley

[ four tv shows that were on when you were a kid]
1. power rangers.
2. barney and friends.
3. wwf.
4. sailor moon.

name. xie yanglei.
birthday. october 7.
nicknames. yangy and variations.
location. singapore.
what are you doing right now. spamming surveys.
what are you wearing. long sleeve black shirt that says NO MORE WAR.
do you like your neighbors. yeah quite.
whats your magic number. 22.
do you smoke drink or do drugs. drink.

what c0mes t0 mind when y0u hear these names..

blair. witch.
shannon. stewart? or the girl from the first bachelor.
thomas. edison.
scott. somebody’s bf.
lawrence. the basketballer.
aaron. s4 major…
heather. graham.
chris. my bro.
mallory. blank.
chaquita. pizza.


color. blue.
friend. most of you. you know who you are lar.
car. quite a lot too.
food. I like eating!!!
drink. no favourites.
store. a lot too…but no money. demand exceeds supply.
outfit. hmm. i want a baseball or football jersey.
boyfriend/girlfriend. none haha.
song. no favourites.
singer. no favourites.
movie. too many.
pair of socks. kaya’s locksocks.
saying. shrug.
animal. no favourites.

when was the last time y0u..

showered. 4 or 5 hours ago.
kissed some one. few months ago.
went to a movie. charlie’s angels i think? can’t rmb…oops ji lag.
cried. january or february.
talked on the phone. just now.
paged someone. many many years ago.


do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend. nope…why keep asking!
whats there name. i said no la.
how long have you been going out. hmm didn’t i say no.
have you ever been in love. yeahh.
who was the best kisser. haven’t really kissed a lot of people you know.
have you ever cheated on them. no.
whats your favorite thing to do with that special someone. feel happy with her and feel sad with her. and she can come feel happy with me and feel sad with me. just spend time i guess?


whose your best friend. lots of pretty good friends.
what makes your best friend. similar interests.
what do you guys do for fun. anything we think of on the spot…we’re spontaneous people.
who is your oddest friend. elon.
who is your funniest. dingo.
who is your happiest friend. me? haha.
who is your most annoying friend. elon sometimes, mark sometimes, junyi sometimes.
who is always there for you. most of them.
best guy friend. most of the tchs people.
friend who could be more. hmmm. *thinks and doesn’t answer*


who has the best fashion. mark or yipeng. rich buggers can afford everything they want.
who has the worst fashion. the aslkdjs. but i’m inclined to say junyi whenever i think about the shades he bought…
Most fashionable guy. mark or yipeng lorh.
Most fashionable girl. evelyn liz or max? question mark question mark.
favorite fashionable undies. haha yipeng’s hush puppies.
favorite fashionable pajamas. …quite spastic rit?
favorite fashion trend. dunno… mlb or nfl jerseys!!! ahhh.
What did you wear yesterday. band uni for marching? eee haha.
Do you consider fashion to be important? yeah quite.
Best class. tao nan 5P. or last year’s 2M though i wasn’t in it…
worst class. 2N. or 3O sometimes.
most average class. how would you classify average?
best teacher. i don’t exactly like any of them.
worst teacher. letchmi or choh. but both can be nice at times.
do you plan to go to college. yeah.
what school do you go to. rjc or acjc.
are you doin well in school. yeah sure as hell i am.
are you doin bad in school. look above?


was this survey fun. kinda…getting bland. and I’m only halfway thru all of these compiled since 2 or 3 weeks ago!
do you think we need to get a life. yes. seriously.
are you a virgin. …yeah lar duh.
who wants to be a millionaire. me!!!
ever been to the Salisbury Zoo. doh…
what did you do on Halloween . hmm. can’t rmb?
whats your favorite Scary movie. i know what you did last summer.
do you know what I did last summer?. yeah.
do you belive in magic. depends.
when was the last time you ate a jawbreaker. years ago.
whats your favorite magazine. time? hahaha. oh wait yeah teens!
do you own a furby. no lar.
what does your boyfriend or girlfriend call you. yangy lorh. but i don’t have one.
whats your middle name. space.
do you stink. not unless i sweat a lot after sports, and not as much as zhaoxiang or jonlew.
what do you think of cheerleading. hon.
favorite Disney character. errr. i prefer the songs.
worst kiss. haven’t had enough to judge lol.
anyone you think is homosexual. yep.
do you know anyone named LeRoy. yeah.
do you like Pickles. not really.
do you have a website. yeah.
do you watch PORN. hmm sometimes.
are you black. ugh i’m damn black now thanks to marching and all.
do you wish you were black. how about a little whiter?
who you gonna vote for. dunno.
do you have your own phone line. hp.
your thoughts on abortion. sick.
do you like brittney spears. not really.
do you want a brittney doll. no.
if not do you want one for christmas. i said no wut.
What do you want for christmas. a lot. check out my wish list!
do you have your 2 front teeth. yeah.
what do you want to do with your life. no plans.
ever been butt naked bangin on the bathroom floor. rit…
would you ever get plastic surgery if so on what. no.
biggest redneck you know. yipeng.
last time you went to skateland. skate park? the last time i went taka la.
last time you went to the bowling alley. last last last Friday.
last time you were in a hoopdy truck. shrug.
what perfume/cologne do you wear. not now.
do you think forigen accents are sexy. depends on who uses them.
do you like jell-o if so what flavor. shrug.
do you like hot dogs if so do you know whats in them. yeah. and yes i do. all the crap’s inside…letchmi told us.
brand of toothpaste. colgate.
last time you went to the doctor. quite long ago.
do you think ricki martin is gay. no.
do you think my tractors sexy. lame larh i rather sleep.
do you have a credit card. no.
do you love your mom. no.
do you love your mom as much as norman bates did in PSYCHO. i don’t like her.
ever taken ballet. um. evelyn taught me how to do some grand something. does that count?
favoite juice. apple? or aloe v peach.
Last time you used the restroom. going now.
most attracitve person. sarah?
any diseases if so what are they. shrug.
last book you read...was it good. first 3 pages of kaya’s david gemmell book. it sucked,
white, dark, or milk choclate. any chocolate.
ever died your hair. yeah.
What brand shampoo. organics, rejoice or head & shoulders.
favorite holiday. end of year.
thing you hate most about your body. umm. too lousy?
do you still play with barbies. never did… haha.
last thing or person you rode. my mom’s car.
are men really from mars. clark kent is from krypton.
do you have to do chores if so what are they. at home seldom.
last time you smoked. nooo. i hate smokers!
last thing you bought. doritos from blue tea.

m0re rand0m..

are you stressd out...if so from what. school.
what do you wear to the beach. some button down or any t shirt and berms i suppose?
do you belive in angels. you made me.
would you ever join the army. i don’t have a choice.
do you want a puppy. hmmm. part yes part no.
ever had a kick me sign on you. no.
how about a lick me sign. no.
Favorite icing. chocolate most of all.
are u a flirt. don’t think so rit…=P
last time you were scared. just now when my mom made a funny loud noise in her sleep.
by what?. oh oops answered this in the last question.
last party you went to. christmas at maxine’s house i think…so long ago.
do you do your own laundry. in the boarding sch i do.
are your nails real or fake. real lar.
do you get jiggy with it. …sian.
do u live at the wild wild west. …
what do you wish you were named. zzzz. a lot lar.
favorite movie star. kristanna loken.
are your parents divorced. no.
would you ever wear a waterbra. no duh.
do you work out. a little but I’m lazy.
are u muscular. yeah rit…
are you flabby. not so much that its visible…
are you fat. a little.
do you take a lot of pictures. no camera phone like yipeng… no digicam like dawn…
favorite tv show. smallville!
do you want a baby. yeah when i get married.
ever thought u were pregnent. like i can.
last time you were sick. i can’t rmb.
butter or margerine. butter.
your feelings on mcdonald chicken nuggets. i like them leh…
do chineese people really cook cats and dogs. yeah.
do you belilve in santa claus. used to.
do you go to a tanning bed. no. please la i’m black enough.
are you in love. if that counts.
do you have a car. no.
do you have your licence? no.
how do you get around. bus, mrt, mom’s car, taxi.
favorite rugrats character. don’t like it.
got milk. YEAH! 3 bottles in my fridge.
do you sniff markers. yuck no.
are you dissatisfied with your hair color. no.
what kind of jewlry do you wear. not much.
what do you think of *//\\//Sync?? better than justin timberlake alone.
have you ever modeled. no.
do you shop in catalogs. sometimes. ikea catalog for example.
what do you like the opposite sex to wear. anything they like…who am i to say?
what do you think of eminem. screwed up but good.
favorite kind of gum. gwee bubblegum.
would you ever get a tatoo. don’t think so.
do you think lil bow wow is cute. yeah he’s quite.
have you seen charlies angels. yeah.
what magazines do you get. time, teens.
do you belive your horoscope. yeah.
Whats your sign. libra.

even m0re rand0m..

do u like coffee...what kind...what in it: nescafe gold can.
do you write in pen or pencil....or markers. blue pen.
are you getto. rit.
favorite lip gloss. no.
do you wear a watch. no.
sunglases. shrug.
ever use nair.. whatever that is.
ever been to the mall of america. no.
do you want a leather jacket. leatherjacket! hahaha.
ever ridden a motorcycle. nope.
do you think justin timberlake and brittney spears are really togther. no.
what you think of bsb? quite good but died?
do you read the chicken soup books. no.
have you seen the exorsist. no.
are you online a lot. yeah duh.
do you have an old navy performance fleece. no.
are you getting tired of doing this. YEAH VERY. since 1 ok. its 424 now… that makes it 3 hours and some.
do you buckle up. then what, risk getting fined?
any siblings. yeah.
what are their names. chris joseph ken shawn.
what are their ages. all older than me.
do they wanna fill out our great survey. no.
do you know how to yo yo. yeah.
what color are your panties. …
ok we're done are you happy? yes!!! but got more below argh.


number of times I have been in love. never count.
number of times I have had my heart broken. never count.
number of hearts I have broken. hopefully 0.
number of boys I have kissed. 0.
number of girls I have kissed. hmm. 1? do relatives count? if they do then make it 50.
number of men I've slept wit. 0.
number of continents I have lived in. 2.
number of drugs taken illegally. 0.
number of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends. 2 maybe 3 maybe 4 maybe 5 at most 6.
number of people I consider my enemies. a few.
number of people from high school that I stayed in contact with. most of them.
number of cd's that I own. prefer mp3s nowadays…stay with the times dude.
number of piercings. 0.
number of tattoos. 0.
number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper. once or twice.
number of scars on my body. many on top of one another on my hips, + 6 more.
number of things in my past that I regret. too many.

complete the rest later or when i return from boarding sch in 2 weeks' time...
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