Title: Push
Fandom: Camp Rock
Genre: Alternate Universe Drama/Literary Fiction
Rating: PG-13, maybe higher (for language, implied violence and intense/ possibly scary situations)
Summary: Most musicians can’t fathom not performing, no matter what demons may stand in their way. Sometimes they just need a little push.
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Comments 4
Aw, little Nate going out to face the big, bad world. :)
Secondly, OMG you included "Shake"!! I about died laughing when I saw that part. I'm still waiting for "Mate"... LOL
And now ooooooh I want to know what happens when Nate goes into that room! Will they know who he is? Will he be charged? Will it be, you know, normal? *in suspense*
Was so hoping you'd get a kick out of the 'Shake' inclusion. What's this; "Mate"? Hm...
Good questions all. Would it help knowing I have that part almost done? Or will it make you wnat me to post faster? Eek..
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