Hello Everyone! It's time for the founder challenge to really start. below the cut you'll find the winner and everything else you want to know!
Sign Ups are CLOSED
Sign Ups Are Closed
made by
dothesmustle He won by a landslide. He will need to be ...
Leo and Romance
Now for the rules!
1. If you want to take part in this challenge you will need to comment here with what you plan on calling your legacy. I know some of you were really into the idea of us giving the founder the same name, but that really wouldn't work. Imagine 17 JoHanson legacies. It would just be too confusing. Pick whatever name you'd like, but to be included, you need to comment here.
2. We will be allowing advertisements for this challenge's legacy here in the comm. There is strict rules for this though. Every Sunday either I or
skittlebox will make a post, from there you can comment to that post with your advertisement. I don't want to see them anywhere else in the comm, and if I do you will be removed from the challenge.
3. You can advertise your legacy in any other comm as much as you want. I don't care. It would be nice though if you included in the chapters that this is part of the
legacy_writers community challenge. Just to raise awareness of the community. It isn't a requirement though.
4. You will need to post some sort of update at least every two weeks. If you don't want to do full updates like some of us do, feel free to just post pictures of the kids and link it in the advert post. Now, we understand that December is a busy month for a lot of us, so we wont really be cracking down on this rule until after New Years. But come January 1st, you will have to give us some sort of update at least every 2 weeks.
5. It must be a Legacy. I know this seems silly, but better safe than sorry. It can be an Uglacy, Matriarch, I don't care what, but it has to be a legacy. No like ... asylum challenge. Also, if you want to do it story format knock yourself out.
6. All custom content is allowed. You can make new townies if you want. I don't care. If you want to cheat I don't care (though you should keep it to a minimum)
7. I thought this would be a given, but that teaches me to assume anything. You have to be a member of the community before you can enter.
Ok ... I think that's it if you have any questions ask, and I hope a bunch of you sign up! The first advertisement post will be next sunday. If any of you want to know how many votes you got, let me know and I'll tell you.
Also, on a completely unrelated note. My own Legacy is coming to an end and I will be leaving this journal. Within the next week or so I will be switching my moderation status to my new journal
simnels SO if you see that name, it's me, not some stranger trying to be the boss.