Beth! And Junny too as pestered about last night.
Edda is going to have a bloodbath of its very own, except this time it's not noble heads that will roll. We need to figure out exactly what happens!
As we know there's underground rebellions in Edda. Loputous did warn to crush any that might arise, and considering what's happened in lol 3 noble houses I don't think Edda would be about to go against that.
The person mentioned in Cass's post is a fellow rebel. I was thinking maybe he ratted them out? For the purpose of keeping it reasonable, he could've regretted it and gone back to warn them, so they wouldn't be completely ambushed, but the exits to the city would probably be sealed, so... they could cause havoc in an attempt to escape in the confusion?
Cause fires in the city? Break into the mansion? And then Sophie could waltz in, take the Valkyrie and tell the big black lizard to kiss her ass. Or something.
idk! Ideas?