Drop Meme

Jan 10, 2010 20:55

The Illustrated Edition.


I'm doing okay with Klavier! There have been a few rough patches in the last few months where I've felt like I've deviated too far from canon and put him through too much, so I gave him a break for a while. Having played a little bit of canon over again recently, I realised I'm not really making great leaps away from IC like I worry about. Klavier has his particular eccentricities that are key to his character, like the rockstar behaviour and German, but he also doesn't do it non-stop. Within camp, he does it less than canon, but you know what? He's changed as a person in camp so that's fine. I have posts I want to do with him, and sending him home for a day has really helped out.

Drop?: 1/10


I've played Chrno longest out of my current characters, with about 1.5 years the first time and currently 10 months the second time. I do enjoy him, but it also wouldn't hurt me to let him go again. I haven't got nearly the same level of attachment to him as I did the first time, and I know if Rosette dropped I would definitely drop him too. Dealing with her drop the first time was just painful. I like playing Chrno but I've never been secure in his voice... he's nice. And I don't tend to play a lot of overtly "nice" characters. That's not saying the others aren't varying degrees of nice, but they're also jerks in their own way. Chrno is the least jerkish of my characters so I flounder a bit in conversations. I love him, he's one of my forever characters, but honestly I could drop him without angst.

Drop?: 4/10


Now until just today I was pretty much preparing to drop Sugino at some point in the next two months. If I app again, I'm not too keen on pushing my characters above five, because I just can't maintain it. So out of necessity someone would most likely get booted, and Sugino was closest to the chopping block; he's a character I've always known wouldn't be what you'd call a KEEPER. But I got volume 8 today, and then that picture happened, and he bitched out a corpse for whining even when she's dead, AND I JUST. I love this stupid asshole. Every time I think I might be pushing it with his attitude or language he does something like this and I remember that no, I'm not really going too far. So I think I'll hold on to him for a while yet and troll some more people.

Drop?: 6/10.


I ENJOY YORICK, HE'S THE MANIFESTATION OF MY SOUL. But I'm not entirely sure I actually do well with him, or do more than skim the surface of his character. I enjoy having someone who not only recognises but spouts pop references, and he's pretty versatile. Still, he hasn't really formed many meaningful relationships and he's been here half a year now. I don't think I'm pushing at him hard enough, and honestly, I don't think I want to. And he probably deserves a more dedicated player than me. So I'm on the fence about Yorick right now.

Drop?: 5/10


I think I've gotten more comfortable playing Simon. I've gotten over my phase of "AAAHHHH!!" at the idea of playing him, and he's settled into a secondary sort of place behind Klavier, which surprised me a bit. I still have trouble with his voice, and I don't think I'm particularly INTERESTING with him. Which is a crime /o\. But I'm getting there. Right now Simon is the one I want to keep most after Klavier, so he's fairly safe. If, however, Nia dropped, I'd send Simon with her. I would have no clue how to play him if she left, and I doubt it would be much fun.

Drop?: 2/10


Not gonna lie, I haven't been feeling camp much lately. This week I have only done one thread, for instance, and haven't even played on the weekend which is usually when I do ALL my playing. This is why I really don't want to go above 5 characters, and yet. I want to app a couple more. So if I stick to my limit guns that means two of these should be going home within the year. This doesn't bother me, except I don't really feel like dropping any of them particularly hard. I'm happy with my lineup at the same time that I'm NOT happy with it. Awesome. But I still have posts and things I want to do, and characters I want to re/build relationships with, so I'm going to try and get back into the swing of things. The holidays hit me hard with working retail, so that's one less stresser.
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